Service Endpoint and Private Endpoint overlap

Private Endpoints grant network access to specific resources behind a given service providing granular segmentation. Traffic can reach the service resource from on premises without using public endpoints.

A service endpoint remains a publicly routable IP address. A private endpoint is a private IP in the address space of the virtual network where the private endpoint is configured.


Microsoft recommends use of Azure Private Link for secure and private access to services hosted on Azure platform.


flowchart LR

subgraph vnet1
	subgraph subnet1
subgraph vnet2
	subgraph subnet2
private-endpoint-kv -..-> keyvault
vnet1 <--> vnet2
vnet1 & vnet2 & private-endpoint-kv -..- pdns

Found that if you have Private Endpoint on a Keyvault in Vnet 2, but in Vnet 1 you have a Service Endpoint for KV on the subnet, yo will also need to allow the VNET on the Keyvault, as it looks like the priority for traffic is

flowchart LR

a["Service Endpoint"] --> b["Private Endpoint"] --> c["Public Endpoint"]

When troubleshooting, errors may show that the Private IP space of subnet1 is not authorised on the firewall.