Johnny Decimal System


The Johnny Decimal system is a interesting system for organising files and folders.
The trick is to limit the depth of folders, and give them a meaningful reason for existing.

Within the system, it promotes using numbers to easily find the right Area, and then the right Category.
The system promotes having up to 10 Areas, and 10 Categories underneath that.

42 Finance
	12 Payroll
		42.12.01 How to pay Ryan more money.

This is to reduce the complexity in finding the right files.
Q: "Were are doco on Payroll?"
A: "Forty-two twelve!"

My Findings

I tried using the system, but I found it distressing to constantly be managing the numbers, even though they suggest you do not need to and should not put weight into what the numbers actually are.
I have kept to the loose mantra of managing folders and files within the Arkahna folder and its projects, but I have chosen to not let it bother me.