Get Things Done Method

Get Things Done Method

flowchart TD

INPUTS --> 00["Define the Task"] --> 01["Is it actionable?"]
01 --Yes--> 11["Is it less than 2 minutes?"]
11 --Yes--> 99["Do It!"]
11 --No--> 21["Can it be Delegated?"]
21 --Yes--> 98["Delegate it"]
21 --No--> 97["Defer It"] --> 89["Later"] & 88["Next"] & 87["Scheduled"]

01 --No--> 79["Trash it"] & 78["Someday / Maybe"]


Get things Done is a simple system for managing work. There is a famous book the defines the process in great detail, but in system is effectively a re occurring task to check your backlog, and a flowchart for handling tasks themselves.

It aggressively actions items, schedules them for when they are due, or trashes it.

The system also offers a way to manage reference materials, agendas for meetings, and task for context (At Computer, At Home).

  1. Getting Things Done (GTD) Flowchart A Complete Guide ↩︎