Ryan writes things down
Ryan writes things down
40 References
Monitor your networks using Azure monitor - Training - Microsoft Learn
Monitor your networks using Azure network watcher - Training - Microsoft Learn
Rewrite URL and query string with Azure Application Gateway - Azure portal - Microsoft Learn
Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) for outbound connections - Azure Load Balancer - Micros...
Full Document Contents
# Mind the Terraform Modules
0 to LSP Neovim RC From Scratch
2022 Gems of the year winners
6 ways Terraform can help secure your infrastructure
7 ways to optimize cloud spend with Terraform
[1hr Talk] Intro to Large Language Models
[Webinar] Simplify multi-layer deployments with Stacks
A Cloud Center of Excellence Is the Best-Practice Approach to Drive Cloud-Enabled Transformation.
A Comprehensive Guide to Testing in Terraform Keep Your Tests, Validations, Checks, and Policies in Order
A Guide to Azure Data Transfer Pricing
A Mindfulness Monday Review of the Onyx Boox Tab Ultra
A Pretty Good Terraform Module Template
A Walkthrough of Azure Copilot. What It Is, How It Works!
About Azure Private Networking for GitHub-hosted Runners
About ExpressRoute Virtual Network Gateways
About virtual hub settings - Azure Virtual WAN
Accelerate scale with Azure OpenAI Service Provisioned offering
Act Now to Secure Your Advantage - Maximising Microsoft's Transact & Grow Incentive with Arkahna's Marketplace Elements™️
Actually getting things done with Obsidian Checklist plugin
Add Custom DNS Servers and Set Azure Point to Site VPN to Connect Automatically
Added AAD script for audit logs by LeighS · Pull Request #9 · arkahnaarkahnalabs-azure-landing-zones
Administrative Distance
Advanced Terraform techniques
AI-900 - Learning About Generative AI
Alas poor null provider! I knew him, Horatio…
alz-terraform-acceleratordocswiki[User-Guide]-Quick-Start-Phase-1.md at main · Azurealz-terraform-accelerator
An Introduction to Azure Verified Modules
Announcing the General Availability of Change Actor
Announcing Zone Redundancy and Multi-Region Capabilities in Azure Landing Zones
Any Way to Delete in Vim Without Overwriting Your Last Yank [Duplicate]
aoai-apimREADME.md at main · Azureaoai-apim
apim-landing-zone-acceleratorreference-implementationsAppGW-IAPIM-Functerraform at main · Azureapim-landing-zone-accelerator
App Configuration Pricing
Assessments Azure Well-Architected Review
Assessments Mission Critical Well-Architected Review
Attack of the Terraform Mega Module!!! How to know your Terraform Module is too big (and what to do about it)!
Au Deux, Access Keys! Securely Locking Down Azure Storage Accounts with Entra ID Authentication
Audiences over Attributes - A Feature Flagging Story
Authenticating with Azure - Security principals explained
Automate UDR Management with Azure Virtual Network Manager
Automate your REST APIs with Swagger Open API Specification
Automatically Light Up a Sign When Your Webcam is in Use
Automating Tests for Terraform
Availability Table
AZ-700 Designing and Implement Azure Networking Study SUPER Guide!
AzAPI masterclass replace_triggered_by-2
AzAPI masterclass replace_triggered_by
Azure API Management - Overview and key concepts
Azure App Configuration FAQ
Azure application security groups overview
Azure at GitHub Universe New tools to help simplify AI app development
Azure Chaos Studio is now generally available
Azure Container Instances(ACI) use-cases and roadmap
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical namespace - Azure Storage
Azure Firewall Explicit Proxy is now in public preview
Azure Firewall FAQ
Azure Firewall Tips from the Field
Azure Front Door Frequently asked questions
Azure Front Door
Azure Functions Overview
Azure Landing Zones - Policy Refresh Q1 FY25
Azure Landing Zones Accelerators for Bicep and Terraform. Announcing General Availability!
Azure Load Balancer Components
Azure OpenAI Landing Zone reference architecture
Azure OpenAI Service embeddings - Azure OpenAI - embeddings and cosine similarity
Azure OpenAI Service Provisioned Throughput Units (PTU) Onboarding - Azure AI Services
Azure Policy Fully Automated Deployment
Azure Private Endpoint DNS Configuration
Azure Private Link Frequently Asked Questions
Azure Private Link Pricing
Azure Synapse - Private Link Hub - Implementation Guidance
Azure Traffic Manager Deep Dive
Azure Verified Modules
Azure Virtual Network FAQ
Azure virtual network service endpoints
Azure virtual network traffic routing
Azure Virtual WAN Overview
Azure Web Application Firewall DRS rule groups and rules
Azureaoai-apim Scaling AOAI using APIM, PTUs and TPMs
Azureaztfexport A tool to bring existing Azure resources under Terraform's management
AzureCommunity-Policy This repo is for Microsoft Azure customers and Microsoft teams to collaborate in making custom policies.
Azureipam IP Address Management on Azure
AzureResourceModules This repository includes a CI platform for and collection of mature and curated Bicep modules. The platform supports both ARM and Bicep and can be leveraged using GitHub actions as well as Azure DevOps pipelines.
Azurereview-checklists This repo contains code and examples to operationalize Azure review checklists.
Azureterraform-azure-hubnetworking Terraform verified module for deploying multi-hub & spoke architectures
Azureterraform-azure-modules Azure verified modules for Terraform
Azureterraform-azurerm-lz-vending Terraform module to deploy landing zone subscriptions in Azure
Azureterraform-verified-module A template for verified Terraform module.
Azureterratest-terraform-fluent Go module for Terraform module testing with fluent assertions
Azuretflint-ruleset-avm TFLint ruleset for Azure Verified Modules
Backerkit Fulfillment Update + Weekly Update!
Battle Hardened PTI Event Chicago 2023 LIVE MinMaxGames Flesh and Blood
Before Fortune-Telling The History and Structure of Tarot Cards
Beginner's Series To JavaScript
Best practice recommendations for managed system identities - Microsoft Entra
Best practices for avoiding cloud security and compliance costs
Big Dromai Deck Tech - IanTCG
Blog Article Guidelines
Book of News
Boost dev team agility with customized, project-specific templates in Azure Deployment Environments
Boost processing performance by combining AI models
Breaking Up is Hard to Do From Nested Blocks to Stand-Alone Resources with Azure Storage Network…
Bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP) to Azure with Custom IP Prefix
Build and maintain your company Copilot with Azure ML and GPT-4
Build and manage complex application platforms with Terraform
Building a Feature Flagging Culture
Building a Second Brain The Illustrated Notes
Building Modern Web Applications with @Remix-Run • Jake Ginnivan • YOW! 2023
Can You Charge A Phone with Marbles
CDK for Terraform
CDKTF 0.20 Improves Implementation of Iterators and Enables HCL Output
Chapter 11 - Building a Second Brain
Cloud center of excellence (CCoE) functions - Cloud Adoption Framework
Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in pull requests
Cloud Native Infrastructure with Azure
Cloud operating model
Configure Azure AD tenant and settings for P2S VPN connections Azure AD authentication OpenVPN - Azure VPN Gateway
Configure Azure Application Gateway - Training
Configure Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks
Configure IP firewall rules - Azure Synapse Analytics
Configure IP firewall rules for Azure Service Bus - Azure Service Bus
Configure Peering for an ExpressRoute Deployment - Training
Configure public IP services - Training
Configure Route Selection for Routers
Connect an ExpressRoute Circuit to a Virtual Network - Training
Connect Geographically Dispersed Networks With ExpressRoute Global Reach - Training
Connect remote resources by using Azure Virtual WANs - Training
Connect, secure, and simplify your network resources with Azure Virtual Network Manager
Constructed Class Lecture 1 - How to Read Cards
Converting IP Addresses Into Binary
copilot-workshopscopilot-terraform This is a self-guided tutorial to help folks learn how to use GitHub Copilot to work with Terraform files
Create a network virtual appliance (NVA) in a virtual hub - Training
Create, change, or delete an Azure public IP address prefix
Creating a Terraform Provider for Just About Anything
Creating Modules Terraform HashiCorp Developer
cycloidioinframap Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most importantrelevant.
Data sources are evil!
Define an Azure network topology - Cloud Adoption Framework
Deploy Consul cluster peering locally with Minikube
Deploy Network Security Groups by Using the Azure Portal - Training
Design an ExpressRoute Deployment - Training
Design and Configure Azure Front Door - Training Microsoft Learn
Design and Implement Azure Load Balancer Using the Azure Portal - Training
Design and implement Azure VPN Gateway - Training
Design Azure Application Gateway - Training
Designing a successful modernization approach for AI readiness
Developer Portal
DevOps Tool Selection - Azure DevOps vs GitHub
Differences from Azure Data Factory - Azure Synapse Analytics
Dive into anything
DRY Terraform code for Private Link and DNS
DRY vs WET in Terraform When ‘Elegance’ Makes Your Code a Mess!
Eco-friendly docs
Empower innovation and transformation through AI and data-driven insights on Azure
Empowering AI Building and Deploying Azure AI Landing Zones with Terraform
Empowering Product Owners with FeatureBoard
Endpoints in Azure Front Door
Enhancing Azure Deployments with AzureRM and AzAPI Terraform Providers
Enterprise Azure Policy as Code (EPAC)
Enterprise-ScaleREADME.md at Main · AzureEnterprise-Scale · GitHub
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy
Essential Eight Explained
Ethical Web Principles
Events that trigger workflows
Exam AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals - Certifications
Exclusive Check Out 4 New Cards From Flesh and Blood's Upcoming Dusk Till Dawn Set
Execute Terraform Commands on Multiple Modules at Once
Explore and get fluent in 57 programming languages
Explore Azure Traffic Manager - Training
Fannie Mae’s process for developing policy as code with Terraform Enterprise and Sentinel
FAQ - Azure ExpressRoute
for_each the RIGHT way!
From idea to impact Real-world success stories of building intelligent apps with Azure
Front Door Premium with VM and Private Link service - Code Samples
Function Concepts
General Availability Vaulted backups for Azure Blob Storage
Get in the (Landing) Zone With Terraform on Azure
Get Things Done Todoist
Getting Things Done (GTD) Flowchart A Complete Guide
Getting Things Done
Ghosted by ARM How to Import ‘Lost’ Azure Resources into Terraform-2
Ghosted by ARM How to Import ‘Lost’ Azure Resources into Terraform
GitHub - dpantazAzNamingTool-TF
GitHub - erikvanbrakelanthology A private Terraform registry implementation as an alternative to the official registry.
GitHub - luke-taylorlab-terraform-shared-configuration A lab demonstrating how configuration can be shared dynamically across multiple modular terraform deployments.
GitHub - outsideriscitizen A Private Terraform ModuleProvider Registry
GitHub AT-AT Ride Along Automate the Automation with Terraform DEEP DIVE!!!
Guidance and best practices - Azure Backup
Hacking Terraform State for Privilege Escalation
HashiCorp 2023 year in review Customers and partners
HashiCorp 2023 year in review Product innovation
HashiCorp 2024 year in review
HashiCorp acquires BluBracket to add secrets scanning
HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate
HashiCorp State of Cloud Strategy Survey 2023 Inside the maturity model
HashiCorp State of Cloud Strategy Survey 2023 The financial services perspective
Here's How You Buy Your Way Onto The New York Times Bestsellers List
How I Built a SECOND Brain 🧠 in Obsidian MD (Tiago Forte BASB PARA Method)
How I remember everything I read with Readwise
How I Stay Focused Working 14-Hour Days - My Flow System
How I study using Obsidian
How Neural Networks Learned to Talk ChatGPT A 30 Year History-2
How Neural Networks Learned to Talk ChatGPT A 30 Year History
How to Add Tasks to Your Daily Notes in Obsidian
How To Bunny Hop On A Mountain Bike – GMBN's Essential Step By Step Guide
How to containerize a GitHub Actions self-hosted runner
How to Extract or Unzip tar.gz Files from Linux Command Line
How to Make Atomic Literature Notes Using the Zettelkasten Method
How to Make Yourself Into a Learning Machine
How to Manage Tasks in Obsidian-The Complete Guide
How to Master the Dromai Mirror FABTCG
How to Organize Your Notes in Obsidian the LATCH Method
How to Process Notes in Obsidian Readwise Official Obsidian Plugin
How to ride BIGGER jumps (without fear!)
How To Structure Terraform Project (3 Levels)
How to Take Smart Notes in Obsidian
How to use named values in Azure API Management policies
How to use QuickAdd for Obsidian - with examples
How to Write Stuff No One Else Can
How We Use Golden Paths to Solve Fragmentation in Our Software Ecosystem
I Would Bring This Deck to US Nationals - Flesh and Blood
Improve Data Path Performance Between Networks With ExpressRoute FastPath - Training
Improving Callouts with Obsidian Modal
Infrastructure as code in any programming language-2
Infrastructure as Code Past, Present, Future
Introducing the Readwise Discord Bot 👾
Introduction to Azure Data Factory - Azure Data Factory
Introduction to Azure Service Bus, an enterprise message broker - Azure Service Bus
Introduction to the Remix Web Framework
IP Groups in Azure Firewall
Issue #173 - Semgrep for Terraform Security, Terraform Plan Comment, OpenTofu ContributorsPledged, Terraform Textual UI
Issue #174 - Terraform at Terminal Velocity, Terraform For Resume, EKS with Lambda, DevSecOps, Module Gotchas, Terrascan
It's always shocking to me how many people don't pay...
Judge of the Month July 2023 – Frédéric St-Laurent
Jujubeans Pitch Stacking Guide
Keep Your Terragrunt Architecture DRY
Landing Zone networking using Terraform
Learn How To Use NeoVim As an IDE
Learn PSRule for Azure series#
Lessons Learned From Writing a Terraform Provider
Making notes actually useful in Obsidian
Manage post-deployment Microsoft Azure policy operations with Terraform
Manage traffic to App Service - Azure Application Gateway-2
Manage traffic to App Service - Azure Application Gateway
Maps of Content Effortless organization for notes - Obsidian Rocks
Mastering your cloud journey Essentials to Innovating, Migrating and Modernizing, on Azure
Meet the experts Terraform module design
Mermaid Chart, a Markdown-like tool for creating diagrams, raises $5.5M
Microsoft named a Leader in 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Strategic Cloud Platform Services
microsoftazure_arc_community Public repository for hosting the Azure Arc Community content
New and upcoming capabilities with Elastic Cloud (Elasticsearch)—An Azure Native ISV Service
New developer documentation site
New Enhanced DNS Features in Azure Firewall—now Generally Available
New Terraform testing and UX features reduce toil, errors, and costs
News Bulletin – July 2023
Next generation AI for developers with the Microsoft Cloud
Obsidian 1.4.0 Desktop (Catalyst)
Obsidian 1.7.5 Desktop (Public)
Obsidian and GTD
Obsidian Canvas core plugin (new in v1.1.0)
Obsidian October 2024
Obsidian Publish now offers more for less a lower price, with new features, improved SEO and accessibility
Obsidian Vault Template
Oh Shit, Git!!
OpenAI's New GPT 3.5 Embedding Model for Semantic Search
OpenTofu is going GA
Optimizing Terraform Code for Readability and Maintainability
Oracle goes vegan Dumps Terraform for OpenTofu
Organize your resources with management groups - Azure Governance - Azure governance
Overview of the Microsoft cloud security benchmark
Pareto principle
Platform engineering maturity - Your key to competitive differentiation
PrismUwU's Uzuri List + Full Matchup Primer
Private Module Registries for Terraform — A List of Available Tooling Options.
Progressive Summarization A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes - Forte Labs
Provider Configuration
Providers Within Modules - Configuration Language Terraform HashiCorp Developer
Proximity placement groups - Azure Virtual Machines
Public preview Change Actor
Public preview Microsoft Copilot for Azure
Pulumi for Terraform Users
Quick Tip Use the Quick Switcher to create new notes
RAG, semantic search, embedding, vector... Find out what the terms used with Generative AI mean!
Resource Preconditions and Postconditions
Rogue for Dummies Dark and Darker Solo Guide
Routing limits - Azure Front Door
Run Docker based GitHub runner containers on Azure Container Instances (ACI)
Ryan Montgomery - #1 Ethical Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Catches One Live On Podcast SRS #56
Save the web
Scaling Beyond Limits From Heroku to Azure With Arkahna
Scaling up the Prime Video audiovideo monitoring service and reducing costs by 90%
Scott and Mark Learn to Code
Secure remote access to private HTTPS targets with HashiCorp Boundary
Security considerations - Azure Data Factory
SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage - Azure Storage
Shaping the future of work with AI
Single region scenario - Private Link and DNS in Azure Virtual WAN - Azure Architecture Center
Six Principles for Athletes that Work for Work, Too
Spreadsheet Struggles to Low-Code Success - The steps to getting started with a Model-Driven App
stalejohnsenlzvendingipam Bicep landing zone vending module for Azure + Azure IPAM example
State of the Sanderson 2024
Taking Notes for Work With Obsidian-2
Taking Notes for Work With Obsidian
Taking Notes From YouTube Videos in Obsidian
Terra-Do’s and Terra-Don’ts — a few common issues with Terraform iterables and how to avoid them
Terraform - Let's keep the quality up!
Terraform 1.8 improves extensibility with provider-defined functions
Terraform 1.8 Provider Functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes
Terraform 1.9 enhances input variable validations
Terraform Basics
Terraform Cloud now supports multiple configurations for dynamic provider credentials
Terraform Enterprise
Terraform ephemeral workspaces public beta now available
Terraform Functions and Expressions Explained
Terraform input templating with the templatestring function-2
Terraform input templating with the templatestring function
Terraform on Azure January 2024 Community Call
Terraform Stacks beta Less complexity, more automation
TfT Hacker
The Age of Copilot Accelerates as GitHub Copilot Enterprise Launches
The Best Pizza You'll Ever Make Epicurious 101
The cult of Obsidian Why people are obsessed with the note-taking app
The future of Terraform must be open
The Green Web Directory, as used by the apps
The Holy Grail of Neovim Note Taking
The JavaScript Survival Guide
The Making of a Bestseller A Behind-The-Scenes Look at the Creation of Building a Second Brain
The new Obsidian icon
The Next Chapter of Reader Public Beta
The Obsidian Solution for the Cornell Note-Taking Method
The Obsidian website now hosts our Changelog and Blog, with...
The provider debate AzureRM vs AzAPI
The Slack Notifications Flowchart Explained
These 38 Reading Rules Changed My Life
They Put Me On A Card!
This Science-Based Workspace Set Up Will Change Your Life
Troubleshoot an Azure site-to-site VPN connection that cannot connect - Azure VPN Gateway
Troubleshoot Azure Route Server issues
Troublesome tuples (& how to compare collection values)
Trusted by Microsoft Azure, Office, Windows, and Bing
Tutorial - Create a Microsoft Entra Domain Services Managed Domain - Microsoft Entra ID
Tutorial Configure Peering Between Azure Route Server and Network Virtual Appliance
TypeScript for the New Programmer
Unlocking the Best of Azure with AzureRM and AzAPI Providers
Unlocking the Latest Innovations in Terraform on Azure
Using HCP Waypoint as your Internal Developer Platform (IDP)
Using Readwise’s Highlight_id as a Single Source of Truth in Obsidian
Using Terraform with Azure
Using the Well-Architected Framework
v0.1.0 build(deps) bump github.comAzureterraform-module-test-helper from …
Variables Packer HashiCorp Developer
Version 2 of the Packer Azure Plugin Is Now Available
Visual map of content in Obsidian Excalidraw plugin
Want To Upgrade Your Brain Stop Doing These 7 Things Immediately.
Web Sustainability grows up intro to the Web Sustainability Guidelines
Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG) 1.0
WellArchitected-ToolsWARPdevops at main · AzureWellArchitected-Tools · GitHub
What is a private endpoint - Azure Private Link
What is a virtual network link subresource of Azure DNS private zones
What is an Azure DNS private zone
What Is an Azure Landing Zone
What Is Azure DNS Private Resolver
What Is Azure NAT Gateway
What is Azure Private DNS
What is Azure Private Link
What is Azure Synapse Analytics - Azure Synapse Analytics
What Is Azure VPN Gateway
What is Azure web application firewall on Azure Front Door
What Is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) An Introduction
What Is Innersource
What is public key infrastructure (PKI)
Why Azure Landing Zones Are the Secret to Scaling in the Cloud
Why Perimeta for Azure
Why You Should Build Your House with Databricks
You really can manage ALL Microsoft Azure services and features with Terraform
You’re subscribed to the Microsoft.Source newsletter
Zoysia Tenuifolia
A Cloud Center of Excellence Is the Best-Practice Approach to Drive Cloud-Enabled Transformation.
A Comprehensive Guide to Testing in Terraform Keep Your Tests, Validations, Checks, and Policies in Order
A Walkthrough of Azure Copilot. What It Is, How It Works!
About Azure Private Networking for GitHub-hosted Runners
About ExpressRoute Virtual Network Gateways
Actually getting things done with Obsidian Checklist plugin
Add Custom DNS Servers and Set Azure Point to Site VPN to Connect Automatically
Administrative Distance
An Introduction to Azure Verified Modules
Any Way to Delete in Vim Without Overwriting Your Last Yank [Duplicate]
App Configuration Pricing
Automating Tests for Terraform
Availability Table
AZ-700 Designing and Implement Azure Networking Study SUPER Guide!
Azure API Management - Overview and key concepts
Azure App Configuration FAQ
Azure application security groups overview
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical namespace - Azure Storage
Azure Firewall FAQ
Azure Front Door Frequently asked questions
Azure Front Door
Azure Functions Overview
Azure Load Balancer Components
Azure OpenAI Service embeddings - Azure OpenAI - embeddings and cosine similarity
Azure OpenAI Service Provisioned Throughput Units (PTU) Onboarding - Azure AI Services
Azure Private Endpoint DNS Configuration
Azure Private Link Frequently Asked Questions
Azure Private Link Pricing
Azure Synapse - Private Link Hub - Implementation Guidance
Azure Verified Modules
Azure Virtual Network FAQ
Azure virtual network service endpoints
Azure virtual network traffic routing
Azure Web Application Firewall DRS rule groups and rules
Azureaztfexport A tool to bring existing Azure resources under Terraform's management
Azureterraform-azurerm-lz-vending Terraform module to deploy landing zone subscriptions in Azure
Before Fortune-Telling The History and Structure of Tarot Cards
Beginner's Series To JavaScript
Best practice recommendations for managed system identities - Microsoft Entra
Book of News
Bring your own IP addresses (BYOIP) to Azure with Custom IP Prefix
Bringing Enterprise-Level Security and Even More Power to GitHub-hosted Runners
Build triggers on Azure devops pipelines
Building a Private Terraform Registry
Building a Second Brain
CDK for Terraform
CDKTF 0.20 Improves Implementation of Iterators and Enables HCL Output
Chapter 11 - Building a Second Brain
Cloud center of excellence (CCoE) functions - Cloud Adoption Framework
Configure Azure AD tenant and settings for P2S VPN connections Azure AD authentication OpenVPN - Azure VPN Gateway
Configure Azure Application Gateway - Training
Configure Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual Networks
Configure IP firewall rules - Azure Synapse Analytics
Configure IP firewall rules for Azure Service Bus - Azure Service Bus
Configure Peering for an ExpressRoute Deployment - Training
Configure public IP services - Training
Configure Route Selection for Routers
Connect an ExpressRoute Circuit to a Virtual Network - Training
Connect Geographically Dispersed Networks With ExpressRoute Global Reach - Training
Connect remote resources by using Azure Virtual WANs - Training
Converting IP Addresses Into Binary
Create a network virtual appliance (NVA) in a virtual hub - Training
Create, change, or delete an Azure public IP address prefix
Creating Modules Terraform HashiCorp Developer
cycloidioinframap Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most importantrelevant.
Danny Loves Pasta
Deploy Network Security Groups by Using the Azure Portal - Training
Design an ExpressRoute Deployment - Training
Design and Configure Azure Front Door - Training Microsoft Learn
Design and Implement Azure Firewall - Training
Design and Implement Azure Load Balancer Using the Azure Portal - Training
Design and implement Azure VPN Gateway - Training
Design Azure Application Gateway - Training
Differences from Azure Data Factory - Azure Synapse Analytics
Enabling end to end TLS on Azure Application Gateway
Endpoints in Azure Front Door
Enterprise-ScaleREADME.md at Main · AzureEnterprise-Scale · GitHub
Execute Terraform Commands on Multiple Modules at Once
Explore Azure ExpressRoute - Training
Explore Azure Traffic Manager - Training
Explore Load Balancing - Training
FAQ - Azure ExpressRoute
Get in the (Landing) Zone With Terraform on Azure
Getting Started With the Test Automation Pyramid BrowserStack
Getting Things Done (GTD) Flowchart A Complete Guide
Getting Things Done
Guidance and best practices - Azure Backup
HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate
HashiTalks 2024 Mastering Terraform Testing, a Layered Approach to Testing Complex Infrastructure
How I Track My Tasks in Obsidian
How to Add Tasks to Your Daily Notes in Obsidian
How to Extract or Unzip tar.gz Files from Linux Command Line
How to Make Atomic Literature Notes Using the Zettelkasten Method
How to Manage Tasks in Obsidian-The Complete Guide
How to Organize Your Notes in Obsidian the LATCH Method
How to Process Notes in Obsidian Readwise Official Obsidian Plugin
How to Take Smart Notes in Obsidian
How to Take Smart Notes
How to Write Stuff No One Else Can
How We Use Golden Paths to Solve Fragmentation in Our Software Ecosystem
Improve Data Path Performance Between Networks With ExpressRoute FastPath - Training
Introduction to Azure Data Factory - Azure Data Factory
Introduction to Azure Service Bus, an enterprise message broker - Azure Service Bus
Keep Your Terragrunt Architecture DRY
Leveraging Backlinks in Obsidian and Readwise Export
Manage traffic to App Service - Azure Application Gateway
Maps of Content Effortless organization for notes - Obsidian Rocks
Maturing Your Terraform Workflow
Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure documentation - Cloud Adoption Framework
Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark Introduction
Microsoft Entra joined session hosts in Azure Virtual Desktop
My Simple Habit for Smarter Book Reading
My Time Management Setup in Obsidian
New Enhanced DNS Features in Azure Firewall—now Generally Available
Obsidian and GTD
Organize your resources with management groups - Azure Governance - Azure governance
Overview of the Microsoft cloud security benchmark
Pareto principle
Passages Saved From Android
Progressive Summarization A Practical Technique for Designing Discoverable Notes - Forte Labs
Provider Configuration
Proximity placement groups - Azure Virtual Machines
Refactoring Terraform HashiCorp Developer
Rogue for Dummies Dark and Darker Solo Guide
Routing limits - Azure Front Door
Security considerations - Azure Data Factory
SFTP support for Azure Blob Storage - Azure Storage
Single region scenario - Private Link and DNS in Azure Virtual WAN - Azure Architecture Center
Skyward Flight
Start with Cloud Adoption Framework enterprise-scale landing zones - Cloud Adoption Framework
Storage account overview - Azure Storage
Style Guide - Configuration Language Terraform HashiCorp Developer
Taking Notes for Work With Obsidian
Taking Notes From YouTube Videos in Obsidian
Terraform 1.8 Provider Functions for AWS, Google Cloud, and Kubernetes
Terraform Enterprise
Terraform Stacks, Explained
The Lifecycle Meta-Argument
The PARA Method
Troubleshoot an Azure site-to-site VPN connection that cannot connect - Azure VPN Gateway
Tutorial - Create a Microsoft Entra Domain Services Managed Domain - Microsoft Entra ID
Tutorial Configure Peering Between Azure Route Server and Network Virtual Appliance
TypeScript for the New Programmer
Use Azure Front Door in a Multitenant Solution
Using Readwise’s Highlight_id as a Single Source of Truth in Obsidian
Variables Packer HashiCorp Developer
Version 2 of the Packer Azure Plugin Is Now Available
What is a private endpoint - Azure Private Link
What is a virtual network link subresource of Azure DNS private zones
What is an Azure DNS private zone
What Is an Azure Landing Zone
What is Azure Application Gateway
What Is Azure DNS Private Resolver
What is Azure DNS
What Is Azure NAT Gateway
What is Azure Private DNS
What is Azure Private Link
What Is Azure Route Server
What is Azure Synapse Analytics - Azure Synapse Analytics
What Is Azure VPN Gateway
What is Azure web application firewall on Azure Front Door
What Is BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) An Introduction
What Is Innersource
What Is IP Address
Why Perimeta for Azure
Zoysia Tenuifolia
AzApi Provider
Azure API Management
Azure App Configuration
Azure App Service
Azure Application Gateway
Azure Arc
Azure Backup Vault
Azure Backup
Azure Bastion
Azure Bot
Azure Cloud Adoption Framework
Azure Cognitive Services
Azure Connection Monitor
Azure Connection
Azure Container Apps
Azure Container Instance
Azure Container Registry
Azure Cosmos DB
Azure Data Factory
Azure Dev Box
Azure DNS Private Resolver
Azure ExpressRoute
Azure Files
Azure Firewall
Azure Front Door
Azure Functions Apps
Azure Key Vault
Azure Kubernetes Services
Azure Landing Zones
Azure Load Balancer
Azure Local Network Gateway
Azure Machine Learning Studio
Azure Machine Learning
Azure Magic IP
Azure Managed Identity
Azure Monitor
Azure NAT Gateway
Azure Network Interface Card
Azure Network Security Group Flow Logs
Azure Network Security Group
Azure Network Watcher
Azure OpenAI Studio
Azure Policy
Azure Private DNS Zone
Azure Private Endpoint
Azure Private Link
Azure Public DNS Zone
Azure Public IP Address Prefix
Azure Public IP
Azure Recovery Services
Azure Resource Graph
Azure Resource Group
Azure Resource Manager
Azure Route Filter
Azure Route Server
Azure Route Table
Azure Security Center
Azure Service Bus
Azure Service Endpoint
Azure SignalR
Azure SQL MI
Azure SQL
Azure Static Website
Azure Storage Account
Azure Storage Blob
Azure Storage Queues
Azure Storage Tables
Azure Subscription
Azure Synapse
Azure Traffic Analytics
Azure Traffic Manager
Azure User Defined Route
Azure Virtual Desktop
Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set
Azure Virtual Machine
Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual WAN
Border Gateway Protocol
Card Formula
Cloud Center of Excellence
Conditional where Key is not known
Creating Certificates using `CertBot`
Design and implement Azure ExpressRoute
Design and Implement hybrid networking
Design and implement network monitoring
Design and implement network security
Design and implement private access to Azure Services
Enterprise Scale Landing Zone
Entra Domain Services
Entra ID
Ephemeral in Terraform
Exam AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions
Fab Trade and Buy list
Flesh and Blood
Force Tunnelling
Get Things Done Method
Github Codespaces
Github Pages
HashiCorp Cloud Platform
Home Row Mods
How CAF TF module works
How I process documents
Infrastructure as code
Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks
Johnny Decimal System
Lets Encrypt
Literature Notes
Load balance HTTP(S) traffic in Azure
Load balance non-HTTP(S) traffic in Azure
Load Balancing options for Azure
Map of Contents
Microsoft Docs
Microsoft Purview
MongoDB Atlas
Monsgeek M1W v3 VIA
My Obsidian Vault
Network Administration
Network File Share
Network Virtual Appliance
Ninja Combo Lines
Note Taking and Productivity
Obsidian is for taking notes the fun way
Open Source Software
Peering Azure Virtual Networks
Preparing a file share for FSLogix with Entra Domain Services
Recovery Point Objective
Recovery Time Objective
Routing in Azure
Server Message Blob
Service Endpoint and Private Endpoint overlap
Service Level Agreement
SoC 2 Compliance
Squid Proxy
Tags Guidance
Taking Smart Notes in Obsidian
Terraform Tips and Tricks
The PARA Method
Types in Terraform
Use Azure DNS Private Resolver over Azure VPN
Version Control System
Virtual Private Network
Working with GraphAPI
Zone Redundancy in Azure
Azure Resource Graph