Azure Network Watcher

Azure Network Watcher is a regional service that enables you to monitor and diagnose conditions at a network scenario level in, to, and from Azure. Scenario level monitoring enables you to diagnose problems at an end-to-end network level view. Network diagnostic and visualization tools available with Network Watcher help you understand, diagnose, and gain insights to your network in Azure. Network Watcher is enabled through the creation of a Network Watcher resource, which allows you to utilize Network Watcher capabilities. Network Watcher is designed to monitor and repair the network health of IaaS products which includes Azure Virtual Machine, Azure Virtual Network, Azure Application Gateway, and Azure Load Balancer.

Tooling includes a Network Topology diagram generator, a tool to Verify Ip Flow through NSG's egress, Next Hop route finder, Effective Security Rules to see what is allowed ingress, VPN diagnostic tools, Packet Capture, and a Connection Trouble-shooter to run these tools to generate a report, and Azure Network Security Group Flow Logs to long term retain network usage logs.

When using the Network Watcher, a resource group is created called NetworkWatcherRG, with an instance for each required region named NetowrkWatcher_*region*

See also


  1. Monitor your networks using Azure network watcher - Training - Microsoft Learn ↩︎