Azure Front Door

Azure Front Door


Azure Front Door is a CDN and WAF solution for delivering content, files, apps or APIs.
Front Door is not directly tied to a Azure Region, and instead leverages over 118 Edge Locations.

SKU Feature Comparison

Azure Front Door is available in 2 different SKU's: Standard and Premium.
Each SKU has a base cost, and additional fee's for Ingress and Egress data.
More information is available [Here](Pricing - Front Door | Microsoft Azure)

Standard starts at $54 AUD a month, and has enough features to get a full CDN experience from the Resource, but the WAF only has support for Custom Rule Sets

Premium starts at $510 AUD a month, but has Microsoft managed rulesets in the WAF, and for the Front Door to connect to Private Endpoints

Traffic Routing

Traffic through the Azure Front Door is co ordinated by Custom Domains, Endpoints, Origins, Origin Groups, and Routes

CNAME record: *>
CNAME record:>
CNAME record:>

flowchart LR
cD1["Custom Domain 1 \n"]
cD2["Custom Domain 2 \n"]
cD3["Custom Domain 3 \n"]
cD4["Custom Domain 4 \n"]
cD5["Custom Domain 5 \n"]
subgraph Endpoint1["Endpoint 1 \n"]
	Route1["Route 1"]
	Route2["Route 2"]
subgraph Endpoint2["Endpoint 2 \n"]
	Route3["Route 3"]
	Route4["Route 4"]
subgraph OriginGroup1
	Origin1["Origin 1"]
subgraph OriginGroup2
	Origin2["Origin 2"]
subgraph OriginGroup3
	Origin3["Origin 3"]
	Origin4["Origin 4"]

cD1 --/*--> Route1 --> OriginGroup1["Origin Group 1"]
cD2 & cD3 --/*--> Route2 --> OriginGroup2["Origin Group 2"]
cD4 & cD5 --/*--> Route3
cD5 --/static--> Route4 --> OriginGroup3
Route3 --> OriginGroup2

Origin1 --> wapp1["Web App 1"]
Origin2 --> wapp2["Web App 2"]
Origin3 --> st1["Storage Account 1"]
Origin4 --> st2["Storage Account 2"]

Custom Domain Names are external names that the Front Door listens for on the Endpoint. This can be either a Apex domain, or a Sub domain. When using Wildcard subdomains, a BYO Certificate is required.

Endpoints are a collection of Routes. Should be used as a lifecycle collection (Disable at the same time, share a similar purpose, much like a RG). There is a limit of 10/25 Endpoints per Standard/Premium Profile.

Origin Groups are a collection of Origins, which represent the resource you are directing traffic to. This could be separate Storage Accounts across multiple regions.

Routes wrap up Endpoints and Origins, directing the traffic as configured in the routing rule set.

Web Application Firewall

Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Front Door provides centralized protection for your web applications. This allows you to protect against common vulnerabilities, Malicious Bots, DDoS attacks and other web based attacks.

WAF can be deployed in either Detection Mode to only report, or Prevention Mode to act on issues found.


Custom Domain Not Validating

When authenticating custom domains against Azure FrontDoor, its important to note that if it says Timeout, you need to regenerate the txt record, otherwise it will not actually check again.