Azure DNS Private Resolver

Azure DNS Private Resolver


Azure DNS Private Resolver is used to communicate with Azure Private DNS Zone and the Azure Magic IP without managing a virtual machine on the network.

Azure Private DNS Resolver is used to act as a Conditional Forwarder for DNS traffic on a Virtual Network. It is costed in a way to that it replaces having redundant Virtual Machines.



Configuration Valid Inputs
Address Space /24 - /28
Delegation Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers
Share Vnet? No
Share Subnet? No
Ipv6? No
ExpressRoute FastPath support? No

Use Azure DNS Private Resolver over Azure VPN


In order to access the Private DNS Resolver over a VPN connection, the azurevpnconfig.xml file supplied by the Virtual Network Gateway needs to be modified to include:

<!-- need to specify always on = true for the VPN to connect automatically -->
<!-- Add custom DNS Servers -->
            <dnsserver>*IP Address from DNS Resolver*</dnsserver>
<!-- Add custom DNS suffixes -->
        <!-- <dnssuffix></dnssuffix> -->

Note that when testing the VPN, you will not be able to NSLookup any DNS records due to the way the application interacts with the Windows network stack. Pinging the destination address will respond with the correct IP.

created: 2023-05-02
modified: 2023-08-22
tags: pkm