Azure Application Gateway

Azure Application Gateway


Azure Application Gateway is a Layer 7 web traffic load balancer used to balance and separate traffic to route to its most ideal destination.
Application Gateways are tied to a region, which is a key difference to Azure Front Door.


Application gateway is available in 2 skus ([as v1 SKUs are being decommissioned as of 2023](We're retiring Application Gateway V1 SKU in April 2026 - Azure Application Gateway | Microsoft Learn))

Standard_v2 WAF_v2
Requires Public IP Does not require public IP
Can not do Firewall rules Can do firewall rules
~ $300 pm ~$600 pm

When using the Standard SKU, traffic can be filtered to route only from the Private endpoint, leaving the Public IP with minimal function.


subgraph rg["Resource Group"]
    vm1["Virtual Machine"]

    subgraph app_gw["Appliction Gateway Resource"]
        fp["Frontend Port"]
        fe["Frontend IP"]
        pub_ip["Frontend IP"]
        bpool["Backend Pool"]
        bs["Backend HTTP Settings"]
        list["HTTP Listener -"]
        r["Request Routing Rule"]

        subgraph upm["URL Path Map"]
            pr1["Path Rule - /github"]
            pr2["Path Rule - /spaghettifactory"]
fp -->list
fe -->list --> r --> upm
pr1 & pr2 --> bs --> bpool
bpool --> vm1

Configuration for App Service

Troubleshooting and Notes