Azure App Configuration


App Configuration helps developers manage application settings (key/value pairs) and control feature availability (feature toggling). It aims to simplify many of the tasks of working with complex configuration data.

App Configuration supports:


3 Tiers are available. Key differences are:

Free Standard Premium
Resources per subscription (A resource consists of a single configuration store) 1 per region Unlimited Unlimited
Storage per resource 10 MB 1 GB 4 GB
Revision history 7 days 30 days 30 days
Request quota per resource 1,000 per day (Once the quota is exhausted, HTTP status code 429 will be returned for all requests until the end of the day) 30,000 per hour (Once the quota is exhausted, requests may return HTTP status code 429 indicating Too Many Requests - until the end of the hour). For Geo Replication enabled resources, 30,000 per hour per replica. No hourly request quota limits
SLA None 99.95% 99.99%
Features Encryption with Microsoft-managed keys,HMAC or AAD authentication,RBAC support ,Managed identity,Service tags All Free tier functionality plus: Encryption with customer-managed keys, Private Link support, Soft Delete, Geo Replication All Standard tier functionality plus: 1 replica included (optional to configure during Store creation)
Snapshot storage per resource* 10 MB 1 GB 4 GB


  1. Azure App Configuration FAQ ↩︎

  2. App Configuration Pricing ↩︎