AzApi Provider

AzAPI Provider

AzAPI is a Terraform Provider used to interact with Azure using API calls instead of using layer of obscurity supplied by the AzureRM Provider.

resource "azapi_resource" "action_group" {
  type      = "Microsoft.Insights/actionGroups@2021-09-01"
  name      = var.action_group_name
  location  = var.location
  parent_id = "/subscriptions/${var.subscription_id}/resourceGroups/${var.resource_group_name}"
  tags      = var.tags

  body = jsonencode({
    properties = {
      enabled        = true
      groupShortName = "var.action_group_short_name"
      emailReceivers = [var.email_receivers]

In order to get the right Type and body, there is Documentation Supplied to effectively import and use, as well as the Terraform AzApi Provider - Visual Studio Marketplace.

azapi_resource is the primary Resource that deploys new Azure resources. It is aware enough of Azure to Create Read Update Delete as required.