

URL: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/releases/tag/v1.7.0-rc2
Author: hc-github-team-es-release-engineering


1.7.0-rc2 (January 11, 2024)

Input validations are being restored to the state file in this version of Terraform. Due to a state interoperability issue (#33770) in earlier versions, users that require interaction between different minor series should ensure they have upgraded to the following patches:

Users of Terraform prior to 1.3.0 are unaffected;
Terraform 1.3 series users should upgrade to 1.3.10;
Terraform 1.4 series users should upgrade to 1.4.7;
Terraform 1.5 series users should upgrade to 1.5.7;
Users of Terraform 1.6.0 and later are unaffected.

This is important for users with terraform_remote_state data sources reading remote state across different versions of Terraform.

nonsensitive function no longer raises an error when applied to a value that is already non-sensitive. (#33856)

terraform graph now produces a simplified graph describing only relationships between resources by default, for consistency with the granularity of information returned by other commands that emphasize...

Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

removed block for refactoring modules: Module authors can now record in source code when a resource or module call has been removed from configuration, and can inform Terraform whether the corresponding object should be deleted or simply removed from state.
This effectively provides a configuration-driven workflow to replace terraform state rm. Removing an object from state is a new type of action which is planned and applied like any other. The terraform state rm command will remain available for scenarios in which directly modifying the state file is appropriate. ([View Highlight] (https://read.readwise.io/read/01hkxs5y6gz5v2htxssc29jb16))