The Lifecycle Meta-Argument


Author: The lifecycle Meta-Argument - Configuration Language | Terraform | HashiCorp Developer


The meta-arguments in a lifecycle block allow you to customize resource behavior.

Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

replace_triggered_by (list of resource or attribute references) - Added in Terraform 1.2. Replaces the resource when any of the referenced items change. Supply a list of expressions referencing managed resources, instances, or instance attributes. When used in a resource that uses count or for_each, you can use count.index or each.key in the expression to reference specific instances of other resources that are configured with the same count or collection. ([View Highlight] (

References trigger replacement in the following conditions:
• If the reference is to a resource with multiple instances, a plan to update or replace any instance will trigger replacement.
• If the reference is to a single resource instance, a plan to update or replace that instance will trigger replacement.
• If the reference is to a single attribute of a resource instance, any change to the attribute value will trigger replacement. ([View Highlight] (