Leveraging Backlinks in Obsidian and Readwise Export


URL: https://medium.com/obsidian-observer/leveraging-backlinks-in-obsidian-and-readwise-export-aebb52ffa9d4
Author: TfTHacker



Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

Notice how for each set of highlights exported to your vault, we get the date and the file name. While this is very similar to the previous sync notification, we have enriched the linking by directly linking each line of the sync log to the date and the document file name. Here is what the Sync Notification configuration should look like to make this happen: ([View Highlight] (https://read.readwise.io/read/01h6jyc5msmnceyd8xzqy5ne0d))

The Results
The following picture is the sync log that Readwise appends to in my Obsidian vault: ([View Highlight] (https://read.readwise.io/read/01h6jycap1bhmq7kmbsjhnhc54))

Readwise sync log
You notice that each sync starts with a header that has the date, time and number of highlights synced. It is then followed by a new line for each document that has new highlights that are now exported to your vault. Each line includes the date and is linked to the file.
How is this useful? In the next image we see the Daily Notes Page for November 23rd, and all the individual highlights are showing up in the backlinks view for the document: ([View Highlight] (https://read.readwise.io/read/01h6jyabw4zn7z1v83j3xbj41n))