Getting Started With the Test Automation Pyramid BrowserStack


Author: BrowserStack


The text discusses the Test Automation Pyramid, which includes manual testing, test automation, and management & optimization. It covers topics like browser automation, accessibility testing, visual testing, and automation without coding. The pyramid aims to help teams improve their testing efficiency and effectiveness.

Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

Unit tests form the base of the test automation pyramid. They test individual components or functionalities to validate that it works as expected in isolated conditions. It is essential to run several scenarios in unit tests – happy path, error handling, etc. ([View Highlight] (

integration tests need to be run to test how this code interacts with other code (that form the entire software). Essentially, these are tests that validate the interaction of a piece of code with external components. These components can range from databases to external services (APIs). ([View Highlight] (

These ensure that the entire application is functioning as required. End-to-end tests do precisely what the name suggests: test that the application works flawlessly from start to finish. ([View Highlight] (