Get in the (Landing) Zone With Terraform on Azure


Author: HashiCorp


Join us for an immersive journey into the world of Azure Landing Zones and Terraform, where you'll transform from novice to virtuoso. Our session, led by the Azure Landing Zones product group at Microsoft, is your gateway to crafting a streamlined, developer-friendly Azure environment. Discover the art of tenant bootstrapping and the magic of empowering your development teams with a pre-configured coding haven. With the perfect blend of Azure, GitHub, Terraform, and Terraform Cloud, we'll unveil the secrets to supercharging your Azure deployment process. Get ready to explore the cutting-edge AzAPI provider and an array of other game-changing modules and providers that we've developed. Dive into our community initiatives and learn how to stay closely connected with our latest developments.

Speakers: Matt White, Bilal Amjad

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Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

available uh not just in terraform but bicep and click Ops ([View Highlight] (

Azure verified uh modules that will be
available not just in uh terraform but bicep and there will we were looking to have parity between the two so whether you're doing terraform or you're doing bicep you'll have parity between the two and it's for those of you who might have been familiar with earlier iterations of this that we've had uh terraform um verified modules or for bicep we used and we have carel it's amalgamation of both we're bringing them both into a
single framework called Azure verified modules ([View Highlight] (

we're going to leverage something called the Azure Landing Zone uh accelerator ([View Highlight] (

Q&A style approach where it's going to ask you some questions you're you're going to provide your inputs and based on that it's going to bootstrap an Azure environment for you using the Azure uh Landing Zone uh terraform module that we just looked at um set up a GitHub repo set up the action set up cicd to it and off you go uh it's going to give you some common architecture patterns which you can choose from um and then it's
aimed at beginners but uh for even uh for our more mature uh organizations and our more mature community that are looking to get set up very quickly ([View Highlight] (