What Is Azure NAT Gateway


In this article

  1. Azure NAT Gateway benefits
  2. Azure NAT Gateway basics
  3. Pricing and SLA
  4. Next steps

Azure NAT Gateway is a fully managed and highly resilient Network Address Translation (NAT) service. You can use Azure NAT Gateway to let all instances in a private subnet connect outbound to the internet while remaining fully private. Unsolicited inbound connections from the internet aren't permitted through a NAT gateway. Only packets arriving as response packets to an outbound connection can pass through a NAT gateway.

NAT Gateway provides dynamic SNAT port functionality to automatically scale outbound connectivity and reduce the risk of SNAT port exhaustion.

Figure shows a NAT receiving traffic from internal subnets and directing it to a public IP (PIP) and an IP prefix.
Figure: Azure NAT Gateway

Azure NAT Gateway provides outbound connectivity for many Azure resources, including:

Azure NAT Gateway benefits

Simple Setup

Deployments are intentionally made simple with NAT gateway. Attach NAT gateway to a subnet and public IP address and start connecting outbound to the internet right away. There's zero maintenance and routing configurations required. More public IPs or subnets can be added later without impact to your existing configuration.

NAT gateway deployment steps:

  1. Create a non-zonal or zonal NAT gateway.
  2. Assign a public IP address or public IP prefix.
  3. Configure virtual network subnet to use a NAT gateway

If necessary, modify TCP idle timeout (optional). Review timers before you change the default.


NAT Gateway is built on the zero trust network security model and is secure by default. With NAT gateway, private instances within a subnet don't need public IP addresses to reach the internet. Private resources can reach external sources outside the virtual network by source network address translating (SNAT) to NAT gateway's static public IP addresses or prefixes. You can provide a contiguous set of IPs for outbound connectivity by using a public IP prefix. Destination firewall rules can be configured based on this predictable IP list.


Azure NAT Gateway is a fully managed and distributed service. It doesn't depend on individual compute instances such as VMs or a single physical gateway device. A NAT gateway always has multiple fault domains and can sustain multiple failures without service outage. Software defined networking makes a NAT gateway highly resilient.


NAT gateway is scaled out from creation. There isn't a ramp up or scale-out operation required. Azure manages the operation of NAT gateway for you.

Attach NAT gateway to a subnet to provide outbound connectivity for all private resources in that subnet. All subnets in a virtual network can use the same NAT gateway resource. Outbound connectivity can be scaled out by assigning up to 16 public IP addresses or a /28 size public IP prefix to NAT gateway. When a NAT gateway is associated to a public IP prefix, it automatically scales to the number of IP addresses needed for outbound.


Azure NAT Gateway is a software defined networking service. Each NAT gateway can process up to 50 Gbps of data for both outbound and return traffic.

A NAT gateway doesn't affect the network bandwidth of your compute resources. Learn more about NAT gateway's performance.

Azure NAT Gateway basics

Outbound connectivity
Traffic routes
NAT gateway configurations
Availability zones
NAT gateway and basic SKU resources
Connection timeouts and timers

Pricing and SLA

For Azure NAT Gateway pricing, see NAT gateway pricing.

For information on the SLA, see SLA for Azure NAT Gateway.

Next steps