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DevOps Tooling for Well-Architected Recommendation Process Instructions for using theDevOps Tooling for Well-Architected Recommendation Process drspott 09/14/2021 conceptual architecture-center well-architected


Well-Architected Recommendation Process Azure Well-Architected Recommendation Process WARP Well architected recommendation process Tooling






DevOps Tooling for Well-Architected Recommendation Process


There are four sections to this document:

  1. Preparation
  2. Reporting
  3. Place findings into an Azure DevOps project
  4. Importing to GitHub




IMPORTANT: These instructions only work in a Windows environment at this time.

Download scripts and prepare your environment to run them.
  1. Download and install PowerShell 7
  2. Open a PowerShell terminal and run the following commands from within a new or existing directory:
$installUri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/WellArchitected-Tools/main/WARP/devops/install-WARP-tools.ps1"
Invoke-WebRequest $installUri -OutFile "install-WARP-tools.ps1"

Example output:

PS C:\Users\cae> mkdir warp
PS C:\Users\cae> cd warp
PS C:\Users\cae\warp> $installUri = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/WellArchitected-Tools/main/WARP/devops/install-WARP-tools.ps1"
PS C:\Users\cae\warp> Invoke-WebRequest $installUri -OutFile "install-WARP-tools.ps1"
PS C:\Users\cae\warp> .\install-WARP-tools.ps1
Working Directory: C:\Users\cae\warp
Downloading from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/WellArchitected-Tools/main/WARP/devops
We will get these files:
    CAF Category Descriptions.csv
    PnP_PowerPointReport_Template - CloudAdoption.pptx
    WAF Category Descriptions.csv


Create a customer presentation PowerPoint deck using PowerShell
  1. Copy the exported CSV from a Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Review into the working directory created above.

NOTE: A sample export has been included with this tooling: Azure_Well_Architected_Review_Sample.csv
2. Run the following command in the PowerShell terminal and select the CSV file you wish to use:


NOTE: A new PowerPoint file will be created in the directory with name in the format of: WAF-Review-yyyy-MM-dd-HHmm.pptx
3. Examine this PowerPoint file for auto-generated slides after slide 8.
4. If these slides are created in this deck, then your environment is properly set up and you may move now use the above steps with a CSV generated by your WAF assessment.

Import recommendations into an Azure DevOps project

  1. Create or log into an Azure DevOps Organization:

    • If an organization does not exist, follow these steps in this link.IMPORTANT: In Azure DevOps, under Organization Settings - Overview, verify that your organization is using the new URL format.
  2. Navigate to the Project where you want to import the recommendations:

    • If a project does not exist in the Azure DevOps Organization, then create a new project using the steps in this link.IMPORTANT: If you are using an existing Project, you will need to ensure that the process is set to Agile. When you create a new project, ensure that the Work item process is set to Agile under Advanced. If the project is not Agile, you can change the DevOpsWorkItemType parameter to fit other work item proceses. Valid work items types are Feature or Issue.

New Project
3. Make note of the Project URL in the address bar

Project URL
4. Create or acquire an Azure DevOps Personal Access Token using the steps in this link.

* IMPORTANT: The Personal Access Token that you use or create must have Read, write, & manage access to Work ItemsPersonal Access Token
5. Run the following command in the PowerShell terminal.

.\PnP-DevOps.ps1 -DevOpsPersonalAccessToken PAT_FROM_ADO -DevOpsProjectUri "PROJECT_URL" -DevOpsTagName -DevOpsWorkItemType { [Feature],[Issue] } "ASSESSMENT_NAME" -AssessmentCsvPath PATH_TO_CSV

The flags are:

* -DevOpsPersonalAccessToken The Personal Access Token from ADO
* -DevOpsProjectUri The URL for your Project
* -AssessmentCsvPath The exported CSV file from a Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Assessment.
* -DevOpsWorkItemType Set the work item type for the project. Valid options are Feature or Issue.
* -DevOpsTagName is used to tag the imported work items in ADO.
+ Organizations and teams can use these tags as milestones to organize the work items across multiple assessments.
+ For example:

A team performs a Well-Architected Review and imports the resultant CSV into their DevOps tooling. The team names this import "Milestone 1" and all work items imported are tagged with the name "Milestone 1"

After a few sprints, the team can perform another Well-Architected Review. The import the resultant CSV into their DevOps tooling. This import would be named "Milestone 2".

Note: Assessments and imports should focus only on a single workload. There is no method to differentiate between workloads with these tools.Example command output:

PS C:\Users\cae\warp>.\PnP-DevOps.ps1 -csv .\Azure_Well_Architected_Review_Sample.csv `
>> -DevOpsPersonalAccessToken xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx `
>> -DevOpsProjectUri https://dev.azure.com/contoso/WARP_Import `
>> -DevOpsTagName "WAF-Assessment-202201"
Assessment Name: WAF-Assessment-202201
URI Base: https://dev.azure.com/contoso/WARP_Import/
Number of Recommendations to import : 175
Ready? [y/n]: y
Adding Epic to ADO: Operational Procedures
Adding Epic to ADO: Deployment & Testing
Adding Epic to ADO: Governance
Adding Work Item: Storage account should use a private link connection for 4 Storage Account(s)
Adding Work Item: Log Analytics agent should be installed on your virtual machine for 1 Virtual machine(s)
Adding Work Item: Management ports of virtual machines should be protected with just-in-time network access control for 1 Virtual machine(s)

Import Complete!
  1. When the script finishes, navigate to the Backlogs in your Azure DevOps Projects, enable Epics in the settings, and then set the navigation level to Epics.


Backlogs Settings

Backlogs Scope NOTE: If Epics do not appear in the drop down after changing the settings, refreshing the page should fix that.
7. You should now see the Backlogs populated with Epics and Features or Issues:


Place findings into a GitHub repository

  1. Create or log into an existing Github repository.

    • If an organization does not exist, follow these steps in this link.
  2. Acquire a personal access token with write access to create issues:

    • Permissions should be Full control of private repositories.
  3. Run the PnP-Github.ps1 script from a command prompt: ./PnP-Github.ps1 -GithubPersonalAccessToken \ "GITHUB-PAT-TOKEN" -AssessmentCsvPath PATH-TO-CSV -GithubrepoUri "URI-FOR-GITHUB-DEPOT" -GithubTagName "ASSESSMENT_NAME"

The flags are:

* -pat The Personal Access Token from Github
* -uri The URL for your Project
* -csv The exported CSV file from a Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Assessment.
* -name is used is used to tag the imported work items in ADO.
+ Organizations and teams can use these tags as milestones to organize the work items across multiple assessments.
+ For example:

A team performs a Well-Architected Review and imports the resultant CSV into their DevOps tooling. The team names this import "Milestone 1" and all work items imported are tagged with the name "Milestone 1"

After a few sprints, the team can perform another Well-Architected Review. The import the resultant CSV into their DevOps tooling. This import would be named "Milestone 2".

Note: Assessments and imports should focus only on a single workload. There is no method to differentiate between workloads with these tools.Example command output:
4. Example: ./PnP-Github.ps1 -GithubPersonalAccessToken "ghp_TjDjgAKBNK0R1VPDm1234567890" \ -AssessmentCsvPath .\test-assessmentsmall.csv -GithubrepoUri "https://github.com/WAF-USER/contoso" \ -GithubTagName "WAF FEB 2021"
5. You should see Milestones and Issues populated with data.