Routing limits - Azure Front Door


In this article

  1. Calculate your profile's composite route metric
  2. Mitigation
  3. Next steps

Each Front Door profile has a composite route limit.

Your Front Door profile's composite route metric is derived from the number of routes, as well as the front end domains, protocols, and paths associated with that route.

The composite route metric for each Front Door profile can't exceed 5000.


Most Front Door profiles don't approach the composite route limit. However, if you have a large Front Door profiles, consider whether you could exceed the limit and plan accordingly.

The number of origin groups, origins, and endpoints don't affect your composite routing limit. However, there are other limits that apply to these resources. For more information, see Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints.

Calculate your profile's composite route metric

Follow these steps to calculate the composite route metric for your Front Door profile:

  1. Select a route from your profile.
    1. Multiply the number of HTTP domains by the number of HTTP paths.
    2. Multiply the number of HTTPS domains by the number of HTTPS paths.
    3. Add the results of steps 1a and 1b together to give the composite route metric for this individual route.
  2. Repeat these steps for each route in your profile.

Add together all of the composite route metrics for each route. This is your profile's composite route metric.


Suppose you have have two routes in your Front Door profile. The routes are named Route 1 and Route 2. You plan to configure the routes as follows:

The following calculation illustrates how to determine the composite route metric for this scenario:

Profile composite route metric = Route 1 composite route metric + Route 2 composite route metric
= Route 1 [HTTPS (50 Domains * 80 Paths)] + Route 2 [HTTP (25 Domains * 25 Paths) + HTTPS(25 Domains * 25 Paths)]
= [50 * 80] + [(25 * 25) + (25 * 25)]
= 5250

The calculated metric of 5250 exceeds the limit of 5000, so you can't configure a Front Door profile in this way.


If your profile's composite route metric exceed 5000, consider the following mitigation strategies:

Next steps

Learn how to create a Front Door.