Issue #173 - Semgrep for Terraform Security, Terraform Plan Comment, OpenTofu ContributorsPledged, Terraform Textual UI

May 15, 2024 | Read Online





Terraform Weekly Sponsor

Terramate enables teams to build, deploy, manage and observe cloud infrastructure with Terraform, OpenTofu and Terragrunt in GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD.#### Articles 📚

Semgrep for Terraform Security

Rami McCarthy demonstrates the features of Semgrep that can help improve the security of Terraform configurations. AB: Semgrep is a good one. If you consider switching to Semgrep, make sure you learn about its Terraform peculiarities and use playground.

Terraform Plan Comment - GitHub Marketplace

Oliver Borchert created a GitHub Action that posts the output of terraform plan to a pull request comment. AB: There are several similar scripts/actions, but this one visualizes it very nicely. Agree?

[Current OpenTofu contributors vs. pledged FTEs

Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu posted an analysis of Opentofu GitHub stats compared to the pledged resources when they forked Terraform half a year after the fork. AB: “Pledge” does not mean “do it for real” :)

]([How To Execute Terragrunt Commands Dynamically Based on Directory Changes?

Ekant Mate describes how to run required Terragrunt commands only in changed places using Codefresh, but it can be easily updated to use another tool, too.

]([Automate Your GitHub Setup: Managing Your Account with Infrastructure as Code

Ibukun Dairo describes how to maintain your GitHub projects with Infrastructure as Code. He included GitHub setup, various scripts, and Terraform tests.]( Open-source projects 🤩

[[!] idoavrah/terraform-tui

Terraform textual UI.

]( Feedback ❤️

If you have any feedback you want to share with me or if you want to sponsor this weekly newsletter, please do so by reaching out via Twitter, LinkedIn, or replying to the email.

Remember that sharing is caring, so it will help the Terraform community (and me) if you share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues.

PS: One of the best ways to help Ukraine is

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦




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© 2024 Terraform Weekly

228 Park Ave S, #29976, New York, New York 10003, United States

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May 15, 2024   |   Read Online

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Terraform Weekly Sponsor

Terramate enables teams to build, deploy, manage and observe cloud infrastructure with Terraform, OpenTofu and Terragrunt in GitHub Actions and GitLab CI/CD.

Articles 📚

Semgrep for Terraform Security

Rami McCarthy demonstrates the features of Semgrep that can help improve the security of Terraform configurations. AB: Semgrep is a good one. If you consider switching to Semgrep, make sure you learn about its Terraform peculiarities and use playground.

Terraform Plan Comment - GitHub Marketplace

Oliver Borchert created a GitHub Action that posts the output of `terraform plan` to a pull request comment. AB: There are several similar scripts/actions, but this one visualizes it very nicely. Agree?

Current OpenTofu contributors vs. pledged FTEs

Cristian Măgherușan-Stanciu posted an analysis of Opentofu GitHub stats compared to the pledged resources when they forked Terraform half a year after the fork. AB: “Pledge” does not mean “do it for real” :)

How To Execute Terragrunt Commands Dynamically Based on Directory Changes?

Ekant Mate describes how to run required Terragrunt commands only in changed places using Codefresh, but it can be easily updated to use another tool, too.

Automate Your GitHub Setup: Managing Your Account with Infrastructure as Code

Ibukun Dairo describes how to maintain your GitHub projects with Infrastructure as Code. He included GitHub setup, various scripts, and Terraform tests.

Open-source projects 🤩

[!] idoavrah/terraform-tui

Terraform textual UI.

Feedback ❤️

If you have any feedback you want to share with me or if you want to sponsor this weekly newsletter, please do so by reaching out via Twitter, LinkedIn, or replying to the email.

Remember that sharing is caring, so it will help the Terraform community (and me) if you share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues.

PS: One of the best ways to help Ukraine is

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦

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© 2024 Terraform Weekly

228 Park Ave S, #29976, New York, New York 10003, United States

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