How to use QuickAdd for Obsidian - with examples


hello my name is christian i've made alittle plugin for obsidian called quickadd and i'm very excited toshow that to you today so what is quickadd actuallywell it's a plugin for quickly creatingand adding notes to your boltsthis can be entirely known in new notesor something that you want totake a note of into an existing noteand it has a lot of ways to do that andthat's what i'm here to show you todayso why should you even use quick addwell it can help you augment yourworkflows

both your simple and advanced workflowsbut let's take a simple workflow as anexample hereyou want to add something to your dailynote but you're in the middle of writingsomething else and you don't want tointerrupt your flowby going into your daily note and backyou can use quick add to add it to thedaily note withoutever leaving your note or moving yourcursor i'll be showing you how in thisvideoso let's just get started the firstthing i'll show you is how you canactually install quick addso the first thing you're going to want

to do is go into your settingsthen you will want to disable save modeand then you will want to click onbrowseopen this model right here and enter inquick add and then you can click on thepluginclick on install and you can enable itfrom hereand you'll find that it is enabled herei have already installed a few otherplugins and made a few filesthis is just so we can get through thisa bit faster and you don't have to watchme type everything inso what we're going to be doing is we're

going to bestarting and creating a little setup i'mgoing to show you things by analogy i'mgoing to show you some examplesi'm going to explain how things workalong the wayso the first thing we're going to wantto do here is you'll see we have thisdaily notes folderi've created this daily note templatethat we're going to be usingso maybe we want to capture somethingand we want to capture something afterthis line that's where we're going to

want to write if we did something thatdaymaybe we bought some groceries we didsome tasksand maybe we had some guests oversomething like thatwe want to note it down so we can goback to it in the futureas relatively standard journal keepingordiary keeping i suppose you could sayso this what you're seeing right here isactually some format syntax i'll explainhow that works a bit laterbut for now it's going to be seeing thistemplate right hereso i'm going to be copying this line

because i'm not sure that i will be ableto remember it laterand let's just go in here into thesettings andgo into the quick add settings down hereso what we're dealing with is a captureand this capture is a captureto daily notei'm going to add this choice and we aregoing toclick on the settings you will seethere's a few buttons herethere's first the add command which will

add an obsidian command so we can dothatand if i go into the command palette ican a quick add and it will show righthere and i can activate thecapture i will not be doing that rightnow i will justwant to go into the settings but there'salso a deleteand a move around there's not reallymuch to move it between right now sothat doesn't make sense to do so let'sjust go into the settingswhat you're seeing here is the settings

for the capturei was asked how you can actually renamethese choicesand just click on the name that's maybenot as clear as it could beyou can click on the name and you canrename it into something elsemaybe you want an emoji and let's justpick sansa here and do that that was thewindows emojiyou get that up by clicking windows anddotat least on my computer i'm not sure howit works for mac or maybe linux but i'm

sure you can figure something outso let's say we have this nice littlecapture to daily noteand we're going to want to capture to anotethe first thing it asks us to do is wellwhich file do you want to capture twoand in our case we want to capture asyou saw earlierto this folder we want to capture tosome daily note but we want a node tohavethe name that is corresponding to theday it representsso in that case we're going to bewriting daily

underscore notes i think it was and thenthe slashthis represents the folder then afterthat we're going to be writingthese two brackets and then adate and then maybe acolon and then we are going to bewriting i believe it wasdd slash mmslash and yy to representdate and you will see that this date

actually appears herethe 24th of the seventh month in a yearand thenyear 21 that's the date and i'mrecording thisand it will change according towhichevermoment you're writing something so ifyou actually writehh for hours and thenmm for minutes then you will see thati'm recording this very late in theeveningand you can also write s for

seconds which will update as you enterand of course when you activate thecapture this will befrozen it will be the actual time thatyou activate thecapture so let's just keep it like thisfor nowand this is a fine daily notes formatand we write dot md after because thatis the file nameit is a markdown file after alland we're going to be creating the fileif it doesn't already exist

because if you're trying to capture to afile that doesn't exist well thatdoesn't really make any senseso we're going to be creating the filethat doesn't exist and we're going to becreating it with template i showed you abit earlierclicking here it will actually show youwhich templates i havein my templates folder click here andselect the templateand it actually detects my templatebased on my settingsfor templater and the core templatespluginso if you inside of templater set that

your folder is in this folderthe templates are in this folder then itwill actually look in that folder andprompt you to select from that oneand the very same same thing counts forthe chord templates plugin which i'm notsure i have enabledbut it works just just as well so we'regoing to go backinto quick add here and you will seethat we can alsoformat what we enter as a taskthis is the very basic markdown taskformattingalso right to the bottom of the file wewill not be doing that we will be

inserting after which i'll show you howthat works in a momentyou also append a link this will appenda linkon your current cursor location whichmeans in the file you're incurrently linking to the file thatyou're capturing toomaybe you're capturing to some file andyou want to record that you capturedsomething to that filethis will insert that link and what weare here after is the insert afterthis will insert the capture after the

specified lineand this accepts format syntax and thisis what i showed you a bit earlierthis right here that's format syntaxi'll show you all of the commands andwhere to find the reference for them abit later in the video so we're justgoing to be entering here and this waswhy i copied the line beforesee right here this is the line thatwe're going to be inserting afterand this will just enter it after thelineso if we select the setting here

into that end of section then it woulddetectwhat will i personally believe it marksthe section which is eitheranother header or already threedashes this one right here which seemsto be a marked downline splats or page break or i'm notreally sure what to call it but thesethree dashesyou can also create the line if it isn'tfound you could do that at the top ofthe file or the bottom of the file

we will not be doing that because i'mpretty sure this file exists because wecreated itin the template this line does exist ialso personally don't use these in mydaily journalsbut you could do that if you want that'sreally up to you it's just really theorder that it'll appear in when youenter thingsnow right here you'll see that there'sthe capture format and we will be usingthis onebecause i enjoy having these in aline or bullet point format i'm going to

be writing a bullet pointand i also like to record at the time ofday that i recorded thisso we're going to be writing very muchthe same that i showed you a bit earlierwe will have the hours and the minutesyou will see just the same it will beappearing down hereand we can write actually somethingcalledvalue this value right here it willask you to enter something you couldalso just select some text

and it will send that to that value soif you have something selectedit will take that and put it where thevalue is right herebut this is generally what it will looklike this tries to previewwhat you've entered in the format syntaxhere just the same as here and just thesame as up here so let's try to see thisin actioni will just go out of the settings againclose this downand i will make sure that this folder isexpandedso when we click on the command palette

into quick ads right here and thencapture to the daily noteit will ask me well what do you want towriteand i'll just say that i am recordingbecause that's what i'm doing and youwill see that right here it actuallycreated the fileand it entered this is the specific timethat i am recordingand you can do this for anywhere in anyfileyou also create the file this conceptkind of transfersso you got the general notion of what a

capture can doand the very next thing i want to showyou is howtemplates work you can see this templatechoices selected hereand we will be creating somethingwith this template right here it's avery simple templatei just wanted to keep it simple for nowbut this template right hereit will actually just write this andtheni will also show you that it works withthe templater pluginsyntax and that is the plugin you're

seeing right herethis is templater it works witheverything thathas to do with that so you can justwrite thetemplate syntax freely and it will stillworkso you can go into settings here goingback into the click out settingsand we will create create noteand you just you can write whatever youwant this is maybe semanticallynot very meaningful but create note isfine for nowwe'll be creating this choice and we'llgo into the settings here

template path we will just be selectingthe one that i showed you beforeyou can also format this file nameyou can decide however you want toformat it i will not choose to do itthis time because i want to show youwhat happens if you don't click thereyou can also actually create it in afolderyou can choose that well i want toactually select which folder it isout of all my folders when i'm creatingthe fileyou could also say instead well i wantto either create it in the root

or maybe i want to create it in themaybedaily notes folder and then it will askyou which one of these you want to placeitin if you only say it's in the rootfile the folder here you can also haveanother folder it doesn't really matterif there's only one hereit will not ask you it will just put itin that folderwe will not be using this it'll justcreate it in the rootand you could also append the link tothe create a file in the current file

we will not be doing that it doesn'treally matter you could do that it willappend a link to the new file you alsoincrement the file name you mayknow this from your own file system ifyou create a fileand it'll just name it untitled as perdefaultat least in windows i'm not really surefor other operating systemsit will create the file called untitledand you create one more file it willactuallycall it untitled one and that's the samething here it will just create itand call it untitled one two three fourfive

um depending on which file name you giveit this is really to prevent duplicatesand so on you can also choose to openthe filewe will be doing that and you can openit in a new tabwe will not be doing that you can chooseif thetabs you have currently open should besplit vertically or horizontally againthat's really up to youbut you can do it just as a quick note iactuallyafter uh opening this templatejust realized that this is uh

here that had it before it's the wrongsyntax it is actuallytv.file a title i did not use templateas much as i used to so i kind offorgot the syntax um but what you'regoing to want to dois you want to run quick add and createa nodewe'll be calling it new file just forfun and then click enteryou'll see that there's a template andit is the new fileso you can see that this actuallyevaluated to what it's supposed to

so that's really how that works i'mgoing to show youthe multi-choice next that is reallyjusta folder and maybe it's a bad namemaybe it's not i'm not really sure it'smulti-choice and it isa multi-choice because you can havemultiple choices within that choiceum so that's really all there is solet's just create one of those and callitlet's say just a folder and maybe pick afolder emoji for it and then add the

choicewe'll be dragging that to the top i knowthat this can be a bit finickyto get the choices within in here youcan see that it'sjumping around a bit that's because it'sactually a very small margin to get itin therei will have to fix that at some point ihave not done so yet it hasn't reallybeen a prioritybecause it does work and you can seethat if igo back run quick add and i click onfolder it'll justshow me the folder contents go back i

can go in againi can click the capture and right testand you'll see that it still works justfine when i open the daily noteand this is actually another thing thati forgot to mention when i was creatingthe captureyou can go down here you can writebackslides andand it will create a new line so insteadof this occurringyou will see that you can run it againand if i test again it will create thenew lineand it works like you would probably

expect it toand just the same you can go back inhere instead if you don't want to writethebackslash n which can be kind ofconfusing you just write enterand you can see that this works just thesamego in here and again test again and itworksjust the same okay and the last type ofchoice i want to show youis the macro choice this one is going tobe a bit moreexciting and maybe a bit more advancedso i will try to explain how it works

the best i cana macro choice represents some macroso we will just write maybeadd to kanban because that is what weare going to be doingand add the camera board what we'regoing to be doinglike so adding it up here minimizing thefolderand we will go into manage macrosbecause we're going to be creating amacroand the very first macro i want tocreate here isadd to kanban or it does not have to be

named the same as the macro choicebut i like to do that because i caneasily find it again thenbut you can decide on your own that'sreally up to youso we're going to be adding this macrohere we can run this on the plug-in loadthat's really cool if you want to runsomething every time the plugin loadswhich in most cases is just every timethatthe every time thatobsidian is started so you can just

do that or you can just go into thisconfigure right hereyou will see that there's a lot ofoptions and maybe too manymaybe too little that is in the eyes ofdb holderso what we're going to be doing is we'regoing to becreating a template choice and thisis actually a nested choice or you alsocall it ananonymous choice because it is not goingto appearout here and you cannot interact with itout here it is just something specific

to this one macro and as you will seehere when we are back in herewe will have this template choice sowe will want to so let me just explainwhat we're going to be doingwe're going to be adding something tothis canon board we're going to be ableto selectwhich one of these four lanes we'regoing to be adding something toso let me show you how we can do thatbut firstsomething about the kanban plugin andhow it works

so if you open this kanban pluginboard as markdown you will see thatit actually just is amarkdown heading level two with thelane here so and this is the same foreverything elseevery other lane that you have so if weopen this as the board againthis is lanes you saw it in the markdownit's just a heading level toothat's very important to take note ofbut let's just move in here

into the after camera board so the firstthing we're going to be wantdoing is we're going to want to havethis herei'm not going to say what the board isjust yet you'll find out in just twosecondsso add to oh actually it'screate new item that's the first thingwe will be creating this as a cabintemplateand let's just say we don't want to clogup anyuh folders files and so on so we will

just be naming itupdates this is a very normal way to doit as an idjust dbmm yy um maybesomething else that's completely up toyou and thenyeah one out here and then let's justsayuh value titlelike so and click that this is what iscalled avariable this variable right here will

actuallyask you to enter a title and this willbe savedfor the next choice that is in the macrosequence i'll explain that in a momentjust be aware of it for nowwe will not be creating anything in thefolder that doesn't really matter fornowyou should do that if you're maybe doingthat i prefer to do thatit's choice so you can also paint thelink no we will not be doing thatwe will not be doing this nor will we beactually yeah justlet's just open it for fun we will do it

as a split andwe'll be copying this right herewe will be going back and i like to adda delay it doesn't really matteruh honestly it really doesn't matter butyou can do it umjust before i move on and create thecapture let's just explain thesethis one here a student command thisadds an upgrading commandit's every single command that you havein your command palette you canrun that so maybe you want to save thecurrent file add it and thatthat's what it says save the currentfile through the obsidian command

and that's really all there is to it youcandelete that and the next thing hereeditor commands this will copywhatever you have selected this will cutpasteuh just the same deselect the line inthe editorthis will select the active line so thatmeans the entire lineand this will select the link on theactive line it will go for the firstlinkit will ignore all other links just tobe aware of thatwe will not be doing that so we alsohave user scripts i will show you howthose work a bit later that's a bit more

advancedand maybe requires some skills andjavascript or at leastsomeone to tell you what to do and thatwill be me todayyou can also add a choice if you wantsomething likemaybe this as the macro this would bevery recursiveand very annoying so don't do that thatthat woulduh just maybe crash your obsidian or atleast freeze it so don'tdon't do that you can add another choiceuh create the noteor maybe something else but we will notbe doing that either

we will be creating a capture thiscapturewill add item toboard like so and we will actually justbe selectingthe kanban board and you couldalso make this use format syntaxi don't think you're going to berenaming your common board that muchif you do you're gonna have to changethis but if you don't well then you justkeep it as is and we will not becreating the file that does exist

because we know that it does existwe'll we will be creating the thing as ataski will show you what it ends up lookinglike in the endand we will not be writing to the bottomof the file we will not be appending alinkwe will be inserting after let me showyou something a bit magical hereso if we we actually write two hashtagsor pound symbolsand then right value and then a colonwe if you remember from before there

were four lanes and then they were allsomething very boringthat is lane one plane twoand lane three andlane four so we justgo back and actually delete the spacinghere because that isum not necessary we will bewell you could add to the section itdoesn't matteryou could do it this would add to thebottom of the lane beneath all othercardsum you could yeah let's actually do that

create the line is not found no we knowthat the line is actually found so wewill not be doing thatso capture format now this is going tobeand this is also why i copied the uh theformat a bit earlieryou'll see that we're just going to beonce towhen we just want to enter it here youcan see that this represents the exactsamename as before and we put some bracketsoutside of it this is actually the nameand the link

to the um the file we createin this choice right here so let'sactually go ahead and try this outso the way we're going to be doing thatand something else that youmaybe have seen here is thatwhen we're doing the capturing weactually selected a value title againbut doesn't that ask me twice but no itactually doesn'tit doesn't ask you twice because valuespersistthrough every single item in the

sequenceso every time you assign something to avariable it can be reusedand another very important point is thatit can also be reusedin the scripts that you can add and youcan alsoset values from your scripts this is animportant important pointwe'll get back to that a bit later it'sjust for now let's just try to addsomething to the comment boardbefore we can do that we will click hereconfigurewe only have one macro right now sowe're just gonna going to be selecting

thatgoing back here and we will be runningclick add and add common boardas you can see it asked me for a titleandwell we're going to be entering a titlebefore i'm going to be doing that i justwant to make sureone thing so just hold on so you can seeright herei made this little template this looksveryfamiliar to something we've seen beforeand if i actually did remember correctlyi should not have written title itshould have been this value right here

so we're going to go back in here inhereoh no right there but in here and hereand instead of title it will beitem name and the very same thing wewill doin here underhere and that will make it a bit moreconsistentso let's just go back out and we will gobackand maybe you can see what this will bein the moment

when i add it here item name well let'ssay a verifyingplant and the price well i don't reallyknowlet's say it's an expensive plant 50something currency link i don't have alink right nowuh let's just write a test uhthis is oh i don't have a category forplanesuh entertainment maybe some people butlet's just select otherand we will be creating it somewhere insome lane

uh which lane should i choose maybe lanetwo is finejust as a quick note i actually realizedthat i forgot to put spacing right hereso that's just a little blender in mypart justwrite the spacing between to actuallymake it match the line that you wrote inyour kanbanbut besides that i will be deleting thisfile again that i mistakenly madego back here you can see that i alsomake mistakes uh so let's justrun the quick add add to board as youcan see we write an item name

client and well it's an expensive plantso 50 and again no linktest again and while this is i don'treally know what this islet's just say something else and thenlane onethen it appears here in the kanban boardwe can see we have it open hereand this could be a plant trackerwishlist somethingi'm not sure this is just a very basicway to add something to a boardyou could also just use a capture

you could just select that you want tocapture a simple linewith no markdown this is because of thesemi-advanced feature in the kanbanboardwhich allows you to inquiry forgamble front matter that's whywhat we've been doing here name pricelink and type and you will see that thisis in the front matter for this fileso when i uh enter preview it wouldactually not show anythingright here so this is a relatively

maybe semi-advanced way to add somethingto a camera boarda lot simpler way to do it is just toadd to board make acapture and then just saygo here we will just select the boardand play task and nothing else reallybesidessay adding it to lane twoand then sure and then here

do we need to do that no we actually donot need to do anything herewe could do it we could not do it thatdoesn't really matter we add itclick add and add to board right test itwill add it to the lanetwo and that's how that works so that'sthree pretty simple examples maybe thislast one is a bit less simplebut that's three examples of how you canuse quick add to add something to yourvaulti will show you how to install userscripts next we will be lookingat the satelizer that eleanor uses

um from what i can hear quite frequentlyandi will be showing you the quick add apiand i'll be showing you inline js andhow to use the api with that so let'sjust move to thatokay so how do you actually install auser scriptinto your quick ad so this is just goingto besomething you're finding maybe on thequick ad repositoryon this repository i actually do have a

lot of exampleslike i said a bit earlier we will betaking a look at look at the satelizerso let's open that and this shows thevideoyou can get the js file user script herethat's what we're actually looking forand let's go in here this is ajavascript fileso there's a way there's actually a fewways to install the scriptone way is just click on raw and thencopy everything in here right click copy

open a notepad documentand just paste it like solet me zoom out here and i will go to myvaultin the save as you will see that my bolti have it actually openright here this is my demo vaultand let's just go into the scriptsbecause that is where i want to place itit's very important that you save as

type and you select all filesand you can write something maybe evenset a lighteri wrote that wrong it's yeah that's finesetand then save this is now a javascriptdocumentand we close notepad we're done withthat and you will see that it actuallyappeared in here in the scripts folderso what quick add does is it registersevery single file with the jsextension so if you're going to manage

macrosclick on just add macroconfigure that add your script andsatelizer so the satelizer herewill run as soon as we add activatedwhich is done through a macro choice[Music]we will spell the name correctly thistime add it heredrag it to the top and we can run thesatellizersomething very important to note about

the satellizer and maybe i should justshow you how you can change that let meopen it withuh yeah notepad againyou can see that i made this for eleanorsoit's actually very specific tothe setup in her vaultso right here you will see that this isa folder that you may not have so whatyou'll want to do is justwrite whichever folder you're going towant to save toi want to save to settle

and i don't have that folder i'll makeit in just a momentso and again this is very specific toher workflowso it i will show you what it does in amomenti'll create a test file and show you howit actually works let's create thesettle folder create a new fileand this is a researchpaper or something and thenmaybe some notes i'm not really sure howthose would be structured

this is the right test and then we havea heading three which the script looksforon this line you can see right here ifthe heading is totally free then we willdo somethingand there's a location id so let's justsay page 34we will we do not care about that but wedo want to adda new uh file in the saddle folderand we will be calling this somethingmaybe justa this is a heading and wecan copy this line and

paste it a few times and maybethree two one because i'm not verycreative right nowso just if you run the satelizeron this right here and let's justforward uhthe sake of having something at leastdifferentdoing this we can run the satelizerrun the satelizer and run the satelizerand you will actually see something iforgot that just what i said

you should do before you can just goahead and click andclick on settilizer select an actualmacro for the macro choice otherwise itwill not worki have been considering moving this alittle bit so it's actually managedin the managed macros instead of umthrough this kind of proxy here umthat's a bit technical maybe for laterbut that is just how that works so let'sjustclick add set laser you will see it made

three files right herebased on the names and it only registerswhat'safter the location andit just adds a link to the headingso if we open file gun and which filewas itactually can't remember recent paperthat's right andone two three you'll see that itactuallyuh turns i think it translucent i'm notreally sure what the word is actuallybut this is what it does this is thesatelizer in a nutshell

uh there are variations of the scripts ihave made one for myselfand other people have also made one uhyou canreally just pick and choose on thediscord i sometimes shareother people sometimes share how theyuse it and then you can see thatsome people create whole new files whereyou just copyall the content here into a new filejust likei personally do so that's something youto beyou should be aware of that this is notthe only fertilizer but there it's just

the oneway to do it but this actually keepsyouryour original file kind of cleanbecause it doesn't remove anything itjust adds linkswith the heading name still so you canlink to it and it will just show what'sactually under heading hereokay and and this at this point we'reactually atwhere i want to show you the quick addapi this is some more advanced featuresso i don't expect everyone to be able to

followand that's fine but if you want tofollow along maybe somejavascript knowledge would be aprerequisitei will try to explain as best as i canhow to use it butit is something that is a bit moreadvanced so umwe will take that as we get to it beforethat i actually promised a bitearlier that i will show you how to findthe format syntax referenceit is right here you can see that youcan use format syntax and a link to itherethis is all the formats and text there

is umthere's explanations next to them so iwill not be explaining themum you can just uh look at it right hereso the quick add api it's right herethis is the quick add api this is alsothe pagewhere i will be adding additionalfeatures tooas they come out you will see that thereare a few functions justvery basic utilities and maybe

features that allow you to interact withquick add and some of the things thati've madefor quick add so the first thing is aninput promptwhich opens the prompt that you saw abit earlierjust no prompt that's just asking youryes no it's the very same one thatactually appears when youmaybe want to delete somethingand likewise we also have the suggesteryou saw that when we were addinga board card to a lane in a kanban board

and there's a example here that you canactually write it in this syntaxand that is if you're not familiar withjavascript this is just a map functionon this parameter herethen we also have a checkbox box prompti have that shown in an example in hereand you will see it in thefetch task from to do it todoist

and maybe it'll come in the video herebut it will be appearing at some pointduring this videoyou'll see how that works the otherthing here is the execute choiceand we can actually execute any choicewith a given name and you can passvariables to it so if you have atemplate choice and you want to spawn atemplateif let's just maybe say these valuenamesyou can write these values or variable

namesand it will be filled into thatchoice and likewiseall of these functions are actuallyasync so just await them there's alsothe utility modulethis will allow you to interact withyour clipboard which is what it doescurrentlyi will probably be adding some featurestointeract with some kind of dateand file systemactually probably the obsidian file

manageror something like that i'm not sure yetbecause it's actually already availablesomething you will notice is that if yougo inand check out what the parameterssend to you when you open the quick apiand this is something that i may nothave documented as wellactually i did under macros if iremember correctlyand down here somewhere i think here

somewhere here yeah here it is a whenyoumake a macro like this you will be givenaccess to these things a reference tothe appthe quick add api and variablesand that's really all there is to it youalso get access to the utility modulebut that's in the quick add apiso when you actually have these for ramshere you can see that i do somedestructuringand um maybe just

drag out the input prompt here and thenuse it a bit laterso that's what's happening there you canfind the references here i expect thatif you know what you're doing youprobably don't need me to tell you whatyou're going to be doing with thisso that's why i'm being a bit brief andmaybe a bit crypticbut you can also actually do somethingthat isi will show you in this template righthere you can do something calledinline js which is going to be spawnedwhen you write six back text you write

thisspace quick add and let's just forfun write something to the console withconsole.logwe'll be writing hello world becausethat is a very standard exampleand i will open the console there's alot of things hereso i'll just close that close this andwhen iexecute oh that's the switcherexecute quick add open the folder andcreate a noteand then give it a name it will actually

justexpand everything in that template boomand then you will see that it willexecutethis hello world and if we go back againto the templated demoyou will see that if we console dotlog this i have passed the quick addapi and the other references that youwere givenmeans we can actually console.logor this dot click add api

and we can see what's inside the quickadd api so let's just try doing thatand click add and then folder and createthe noteand let's just write text onehere and as you can see hello worldloggedand we have the this umlog and then we have the quick quick addapiuh log here as well so that's how thatworks you can executewhatever javascript it is async by

defaultso you can write async js in there ifyou wantthere's not really much more to itactuallyif you know javascript you can actuallyinclude whateverwhat you write in herewill actually be written so if youreturnsome string for example you can saythis was let's just do markdownthis was my script and then

you again make a newnote like so and then you write testtwo you can see that this executes andit writes this was my scriptso you can write something dynamicallyand i use thisto actually grab books fromread-wise and put in all of my notesyou can find that example right here andthen you can see thatthis will expand in the template here

it runs the macro and read buys and theninsta-fetch stupidbook this is just a macro not inline apiit didn't really matter it runs themacro goes into the revisei use this concept of name namespacingwhere you can accessif you have a macro here this is asimple scriptinstead of doing module.exports you canexportan object and in this object you canchoose to export multiple functions or

values it doesn't really matter so icould actually just say that i want toexportmaybe some value this is going to be 100and i can go ahead and select that valueand it will just write 100so that's something you could do you douse that for api keyssomething else you could do is you couldalso importi'm going in notepad i didn't reallythink i was going to be doing that todayyou could import um some module

uh this is just this is to be actuallyimport module from and then you canwrite something which is going to be thepathto the modulelike so so you can also do that you canuse it down here so maybe modulebut do something something somethingokay so that's that's how that worksthere's a lot of things you can do withumscripts you can ask me if there'ssomething you want to do and you maybedon't know how to do it

feel free to ask me but this is reallythis is a probably quick ad and nutshellprobably took like 30 minutes so maybethere's a lotif there's something anything i did notcover in this video i will be writingabout itso if there's some question that youfeel that you asked me but it didn'tcoveri i will i'm already aware of thosequestionsi have written about them and if i missyour question please dojust ask me in the comments i willrespond to youand i will try to do my very best to

give you a satisfactory answer i hopeyou enjoyed thisvery small demo of quick add iwill gladly show how i use quick add inmy own vaulti have a lot of quick add templatesand use cases but very many of those aresimilar to the ones i showed in thisvideoso i really hope you enjoy and i reallyhope youcould get some inspiration inspirationout of this videothank you very much for watching i hope

you have a great day