How to Master the Dromai Mirror FABTCG


foreign [Music] welcome back to Arsenal fast it is Aiden here with a brand new series series that we're calling the Arsenal past masterclass sessions uh this is a new series where we're taking some of the Decks that particularly we know very well but we might gather people involved in this and we're going to talk you through and the key piece of a particular matchup this instance we're looking at the draw my mirror one of my favorite matchups in

class constructed right now we're going to break it down from all the tips and tricks you need to kind of go after this matchup how to play it how to Pilot it then we're actually going to go through gameplay from a testing session and look at how to kind of implement these tips and tricks in order to put them into practice when you're playing a game of this particular matchup in this case is going to be the drama mirror now the series is a little bit experimental we're kind of gonna see how it goes we might change up the format as we go along so I'd love to get your feedback drop in the comments below let us know what you think of this kind of video this kind of I guess master class

we're calling it what you think whether you'd like to see some different aspects to it different things called out what you think of the gameplay analysis that we go through one thing I find when we play these gameplays in Arsenal pass here we do these commentaries live we play games we you know we banter a bit we talk about the game talk about the decks but the focus isn't necessarily fully on the game at that time and I think facing the sound to two pieces of kind of breaking down these fundamentals but then going into a gameplay review I can really dedicate my kind of full attention to the game at the time then post I can dedicate to kind of talking about all the things that we've just

we're just going to go over you know how to get the most out of that match up and take it and break it down sort of turn by turn as opposed to having to think about you know life totals and triggers and you know conversing in the game stay and trying to be you know a little bit entertaining at least so this series is a little bit different in that regard it's not about live gameplay it's about these kind of Replay reviews and uh really breaking down just one match up in depth so before we dive straight into it and go through this drawing my master class this mirror match masterclass I do want to say if you're enjoying what we're doing here at Arsenal pass make

sure to go drop us a like on this video uh sub to the channel if you aren't already of course and leave a comment again let us know what you think of these videos and what matchups you'd like to see now before we go and look at this replay analysis and go through implementing all the tips and tricks of course we've got to talk about what are the fundamentals what are the things that you should know and be focusing on when it comes to the draw my mirror the first thing when it comes to the draw my mirror is how the game is going to go how are you going to win always going to start with how I'm going to win the game and work backwards from there so in the drama mirror there's kind of a couple of different

ways that the matchup can end up going or the the drama American end up finishing effectively now the first one is that you actually just run your opponent out of Ash now I think with some of the the newer builds we're seeing and these kind of like hybrids between big dragons and aggressive Redline decks we're seeing that this can be kind of how games can end a lot of the time that you can either get up on Ash and this is why cards like timeskip is a particularly important I think in the mirror if you when the dyron gets to go first their car could just be an absolute MVP my neck career is I think the best dragon in the mirror which we'll talk about as we kind of play through the game as well and we talk

about some of the Dragons um you can actually just run your opponent out of Ash that is a very very real thing that can happen or you can gain such an ash advantage in the game that you end up just being able to basically start slamming dragons in the in-game without having to worry about the amount of Ash you have and your opponent can't do the same you know if you start popping down ezrealizing Chrome eyes that will especially as well as you're going to get back with remembrance more on the its own so yeah Ash is really important and can actually run your opponent down Ash now the second way is that the game can actually just kind of snowball out of control for one side on the Drone my mirror and so

you've got to be really cognizant really careful in thinking about one first of all make sure it doesn't happen to you but if the situation arises to actually kind of like push your advantage and almost snowball into your opponent basically what happens in this instance is that when dragons start to get played on the board if you have a bit of an ash advantage or maybe your opponent draws a dead hand or you draw a couple of really good hands in a row that facilitate playing a lot of dragons and presenting a lot of damage you can actually get to a point where your opponent can't clear your dragons off the board and then you incrementally add more dragons that they can't clear so you get to a broad state where they just

can't come back from and you just overwhelm them with damage and with your dragons that that can happen I'd say this one's a bit a bit rarer especially if the players are both pretty experienced they know how to clear dragons I would say against inexperienced opponents this can happen quite a lot they might not have the right cards in Arsenal to clear dragons they might play out the wrong cards at the wrong time and get severely punished for it and you can kind of just run away with the game and snowball it another the third way I guess that the game can end is it can come down to Arcane damage sounds like burn them all as relay of course so it can come down to Arcane damage I think this is probably the one I've experienced

maybe even the least that especially if you understand how much Arcane damage is relative in the deck and how much they can actually do like playing a burn the more early comes at a cost of potentially clearing a dragon so you can't be playing you have to play them when it's kind of free to do so and then as relaxed in the in-game obviously are going to help you deal that Arcane damage but basically I think the damage that's kind of presented there really it to me it all comes down to more of that Ash and dragon management and then the Arcane damage is kind of like the third thing that I think can happen um but is less common but there's definitely a way that the game can end

and then the fourth one I want to touch on briefly is basically just running your opponent out of threats this one I've seen happen but I haven't had this happen to me outside of kind of early games and testing when I think some of the sides of the testing didn't understand quite how the magic could go I think this one happens in my experience this is the one that happens even less than I guess Arcane damage being relevant is that you actually run your opponent out of three it's more likely they're going to run out of Ash first before they run out of threats but if they've been really cognizant blocking a lot to keep their life total High especially against like attack actions with more attack actions in this build particularly in the build that

we're going to see in this gameplay and the build that we play for Nationals then yeah that can happen they can actually just run out of like relevant threats in the in-game but then usually what will happen is kind of Point uh point two you'll kind of just snowball and then the game will end pretty quickly because they won't be able to clear your threads because they've run out of things for them to play they'll start drawing blues and kind of burn them all and just kind of these dead hands that don't really do anything um so that's kind of the last way that the game can potentially all right next up is tips and tricks on playing the game to basically get to some of those in-game states that we talked about first I'm going to go over

is basically how do you get to an ash advantage and there's a thing a few things that are really important for this uh the the main thing is basically not playing Dragons out or no value uh you actually don't want to play dragons early you actually want to focus on building Ash stores and just presenting damage and clearing your opponent's dragons ideally um if you start to present dragons especially onto empty boards that just allows your opponent to yeah maybe take a little bit of damage but life's not that relevant in this game and then keep their five cut hand clear your dragons with their own dragons and now have a board prisons you basically lose value

on that and then if you can't clear your board their dragons then you are going to fall behind so you start to play dragons into dragons Etc which is how the game kind of evolves eventually but you don't really want to be the first person to play dragons you're an opponent to play dragons first because yeah you'll take some damage off them that's fine the life you're basically treating life to set up your board State and then you play your dragons kill their dragons and now they're you're basically with the tempo with them on the back foot so that's kind of the ways that you you want to make sure you're managing your ashes basically not playing Dragons early unless you kind of have to now if there's a situation where

I'm just going to pass with cards in hand then you say we'll play dragons that's a threat that's on board as damage to deal with my opponent and then they're gonna have to deal with it but primarily what I want to do in the early game is play cards like CNC or rushing metamorph or um even so the blue six attacks to clear their dragons up or just present damage because life total is gonna be relevant at some point but if I can present damage for some data block with cards or take damage while I'm building my ash draws and then force them to basically blink first and play their dragons and that's the position I want to be in which kind of leads into the next point which is how do you get into these

positions to I guess snowball and that's basically by doing this by presenting damage pushing damage on the board and then finding these spots to basically clear their dragons with yours maybe then they find that they can't clear your dragons and then you just keep adding at that point you just you realize you go okay they couldn't clear dragons they left me with like a yandere or something I'm just gonna add you know a thermi and a Nick reel this turn or a mirage guy and a thermo now on that there's a couple of key quotes I want to make about some of the key cards and smash them how you should

play them the first thing is that dragons with four toughness are really really good because they're really hard to clear they basically mean that they can't clear them with like their own dragons unless they have a color they can't clear a theme with their own theme I can't clear a gender eye with their onion or eye and they can't clear um you know like uvira and these sorts of things with without either attacks like dust up Rebel snatch um CNC American middle Etc then they're committing those to your your dragons which is great uh all they have to double attack or that's a commit a card like rake and azralay and that's going

to lead me on to the next point because don't play your rakes and as well as you don't want to be the first person to play a rake because basically one of the game plans in the drama mirror is hold a rake or as rely in Your Arsenal or kind of cycle them through your deck that when your opponent does it first you get to punish them you know we talk about not playing Dragons first and you also want a person to play rake first because they play a rake you play an ezralay you get a one card to clear up and then now Ash negative on that yeah you spent one Ash to player as right but you've run as Ryan player you've cleared up their rake they've been effectively like two Ash

because it's two cards players so now and also we've taken a rake out of deck and you're ahead on that kind of tempo or basically total cards relevant cards and deck anyway so ezralayan rakes are really important you don't want to be the first to play them but sometimes you're gonna find yourself as possible to do it or they're going to be too far ahead on the board often sometimes you'll find like I just have to play this Ezra here to ensure that I can kill the Ender reference on this turn um or even a rake in some situations but Reagan Israel management is really important when it comes to the remembrances in Our Deck these are

effectively what the targets are going to be until it's sort of mid to late game you're going to be targeting ezrealize and rakes get back all this value you know go wide on the board with brakes and this is why I find that often like three remembrance versus two remembrance so if you have three and they have two you can just out value them in the in-game because you just have you just get back whatever you need so if they have a bunch of rake slips in the deck you get as well as usually as well as the first thing because it's so powerful and it's a bit more Ash efficient but if they're out of azure lights for instance like well now my rake is so hard for them to kill and give back a rake with so those are kind of the the key things to remember in

this matchup those are some of the most important things and then the kind of last thing really is just how to utilize Your Arsenal now one of the kind of tempting things is to be like well I'll just put my big payoff cards like the mini or Tamil tie into my into my graveyard I'm also it's kind of a trap to be honest you really can't play a tomal tire if they've got dragons on the board and not clear their dragons like you have to point them with the dragons and that is not five resources for this Dragon that's just clearing out their dragons and then probably gonna die is not efficient anytime tongata is particularly good is when you've been trading sort of damage back and forth

maybe you cleared their board and then they clear your board with like attack actions rather than dragons and don't develop the board and then just get this free turn to Tamil time and take their furnace like it is super relevant to kill furnace but you can never leave your opponent with dragons on the side of the board so that's kind of the other tip is you've got to clear dragons at all times which leads us to how to use the Arsenal so you want to use your Your Arsenal for some things we talked about earlier so an ezralay or a rake to counter what they're going to do but if if you think your opponent is going to be on the same kind of level as you and understand this game plan they're not going to do that

they're going to pitch their rakes and naturalize and also hold something other than an Arsenal yeah what I like to use arsenals for a lot of the time is these big attacks they're going to be able to kill the two sort of hardest to kill dragons in the matchup which is uvir and necra and I also think Nicor is the most important dragon in the early game for building Ash stores and building Ash advantage and you don't want to be giving them more Ash by killing that with multiple sort of attacks also that's just card disadvantage what you want to do is throw like your blue even more cinepie or Enigma Chimera at it or even a CNC or a mirage metamorph or an e-strike

two cards in hand after their turn they have a knicker on board a strike five draw a card after the double damage and already have a count on nicaria is such a great place so yeah these are the kind of things I want to do so I'll be putting cards like Easter egg in my ass and I'm putting cards like dust up in there I'll put attack actions in there preferably not the blue ones in CNC because I want to use um the CNC to pop and I want to use the blue ones for resources or you know not have to have two resources to never play it and then the other thing after that is I will use it for you know of course as well as breaks like we talked about

and um kylori even because color is great for clearing those four toughness dragons which are so important now those are kind of the top tips and tricks for the drama mirror matchup there's so many more I could go through but we are going to go through a gameplay and we're going to kind of break down the game as we go and more of I mean the examples we just talked about are definitely going to come up the more things are going to come up in the gameplay so make sure you stick around for that again let us know what you think of the game plan is it beneficial hearing these tips and tricks and then seeing them in action here we are on the telashire gameplay page now I want to give a big shout out to my testing partner on assisting buddy good friend

Dan Mackay uh who was kind enough off the back of his Nationals top eight New Zealand as well agree to play some mirrors with me so I could record some games so this is a game from our testing that you're going to see right here myself and Dan who have been playing a lot of dromo recently uh playing pretty similar lists I think he's playing the exact list he played at Nationals and playing a slightly changed list the decklist is down in the comments below one card different to my Nationals list actually it's just the extra blue six attack over the warmongers which if you haven't seen the dictator already you want to know more about the stickers go and check out our dick tick the link is

also down below and you can find out kind of the I guess the reasoning behind the stick listen how it kind of came out Nationals but one of the changes I said I would make is I would cut the warmongers for the six blue six Power Attack action there I think it's so good in the mirror and overall just a great card especially on early turns to build up Ash um I just think it's a better payoff than some of my blues that you can play although I do think some of those are more relevant in certain matchups talk about sideboard quickly as well so the way I approach sideboarding this matchup is basically Blues are pretty bad like I

talked about before Tamil Thai and even to an extent Dominion being a little bit trappy right like they're not they seem super important when you first go because you go well I can kill their furnace like that's crazy but the way that the game plays out you literally cannot leave dragons on the board so Tomatoes such uh it's an opportunity card basically but it's not a setup card that's how I would say so I'm cutting down to kind of minimal Blues really so there's 10 on the list kind of nine in the main deck but all the passing mirages are coming out that card is just garbage in this matchup it does nothing um even if they play more than three poppers which I don't think they can

afford to you're just gonna out value them because they've got these bad cards in the deck so um cut the passing mirages the other cards that come out are basically all that offense reactions so the two Oasis the three feet for scene but we do leave one sink in uh just basically because it's it's red uh you do have to attack especially with more attack actions in the builds now it's Point attack actions of face and use your dragons to clear dragons um so you can get value out of the sync below even into the more aggressive Redline versions I would actually I'd play two sync all the time although you just be careful about having dick cards in your deck uh and then we take out the flicker tricks of course as well so

that's um that's kind of what this looks like we're playing all the dragons and I mean all of the the back actions basically so we'll come against the game um I'll go and then we'll go through I think I'm just looking through here looking at my sideboarding in case I wanted to talk about it for the gameplay review um of course our timestamp potion that's the blue that's out as well the 10th blue of course all the remembrance and can be super important um and then all these reactions out everything else is understand it yeah the single is kind of the last card really that that plays in the match up but I did lose the die roll um well it

says I won here but Dan originally won the die roll so I made sure that he got to still go first so you can see him present the time Skippers which is such a great advantage in this matchup does your opponent on turn zero is going to get one Ash you're gonna get three uh hopefully we'll see in a second and the Arsenal card and yes they get to attack first but developing the ball isn't good like the first option to develop the ball we talked about isn't actually that good hacking is what you want to do it looks like unfortunately Dan had a pretty bad opener here and isn't going to get delivers the time Skippers so we won't see the absolute strength but um I

can attest in my mirrors that I played at Nationals uh where I actually took a first in all my mirrors which is great and times um so I'm just gonna double block here with Moraga and sweeping blue I think these are the two worst cards in my hand obviously can't block with remembrance and I want the Easter eggs I want to present damage um actually I'm gonna pitch anyway but I wanted my dick for latex I want to present damage Moraga is fine as a you know four toughness thing and sweeping blows fine for developing Ash but I want cards like Easter egg later on in the game so um put this on the bottom from the up

because it's a dragon we don't want to be playing Dragons I want to draw attacks off of this I don't want to be developing the board particularly we get our Ash and we kind of move on with things um I would have liked to have got rid of this remembrance but the way to do so and then we do draw two cards that we don't particularly want to play um break the Embers kaloria and then we have the Ravens Rebels Rebels rebels great because we can point that at their face and just damage um so we just present the damage here and see what's on top Reverend several reveals a ravenous Rebel so that's good

for an extent we know we're gonna have an attack it means that if they develop the board we have an attack to clear up or we just have an attack to present damage zero four is with the zero four is where we want to be but then opting to keep his five cut hand here I mean he has no Ash so I I guess he kind of has to keep stuff to try and do something on his turn so kind of makes me think well you know developing a kylori here probably isn't the worst um the real decision is I don't want to ask on this remembrance even though I could crown it away which is often what you're using your crown for to sort out awkward hands or you know value off of an awkward

usually remembrance on first cycle um but my kind of thought here as well if I just kind of play the the kylori here I go down on ash but also Dan isn't a hit on me on ash so I'm not losing Ash economy and then Dan probably has to block with a card here um and also loses spectral Shield or if he doesn't in and that's that's that's fine he keeps his hand and I used to draw a card hopefully I can draw okay um maybe like a zero cost I draw the rebel sorry I know I'm drawing the rebel so I can just present more damage

um so he's kind of pretty incentivized to block hero he's taking four damage off the back of this but yeah we see it you kind of see the power of wave here so people play number one gloves I honestly just have not found narrowing gloves relevant I talked about Arcane damage not being particularly relevant and honestly I I don't think it is so you have before he pitch to it um the two damage that wave rarely stops and particularly break points early on when your the board is empty and you're just throwing attacks into each other things like dust up ravenous Rebel snatches Etc not what you want to be so back on his turn we're going to see

him again a little bit more Awkward draws a yellow and a blue so I think it's to make one Ash here I presumably set up something in Arsenal to either deal with my board if I set something up here which is kind of where you want to be and obviously we now have the rake in our Arsenal so not something we want to play but something that is going to um yeah obviously Dan just killing killing our Dragon there clearing up but yeah we have this rig that we can kind of sit on and out it looks pretty good

like we kind of have some good plays here we can build up Ash on this turn damage at face under everything that we we want to do pretty sure he's in a ravenous Rebel plus the Chimera here gets a blue out of my deck I like to get a couple of Blues on my dick early so I'm not drawing them late um but they are good for clearing sort of those big dragons as I talked about um okay it looks like I go with the sweeping blow here oh it looks like I'm Gonna Keep the ravenous Rebel on my deck and present the Enigma camera yeah I found the line so this allows me to get that blue out of my deck also build Ash with sweep and blow and then keep ravenous RAB on my

deck for late game um when I know that I'll hurt it right off the top um losing the deck for instance and I get this get the damage so no damage and hitting free Ash baseball to be and then yeah I pass back to Dan on an indie board I haven't developed anything but I feel the tumble tie here for instance that would be a great time to time will tie an empty board um but you know if he doesn't have attack actions and has to develop a board here then I've got the rake to punish him on the way back potentially if he plays his own rake or something so he does end up just just um blocking

here to preserve some life walking is fine especially if it's like with dragons and attacks you aren't going to play and then you just present back damage again like kind of not blinking first thing while developing Ash is really good we'll just keep an eye on ashes if we kind of go like how much Ash are we at what Ash are they at who's kind of putting on the ash side we see azra on top so we know we're not going to play rake into into that next year not the word player rake onto an MP board anyway um but if he played a rake here it would mean that we definitely wouldn't play our rake would play you know out as like for instance to clean up uh and keep the

right back I want to do here yeah Dan now Sancho develop some ash SO pitching for furnace just to create Ash really not where you want to be but um and started with some pretty awkward hands and a little bit behind here not up to us now I really want to focus here at this point in the game I'm just like any damage developing Ash that's kind of my main focus here um I think I have a decision here it's like I could you know I could play out this ezralay just for damage here and get something on the board I honestly just think that's a bit of a trap okay I'm much better off

um just probably getting a schedule out of my deck 36 damage threatening the Arsenal getting to Mirage and then scheduling just to gain through life and get the scissors out of my deck you don't particularly want to draw the essentials later I don't mind keeping like one idea maybe two is she you know I mean I think this is like even if they burn them all out like they know you still have those sigils so it's not particularly relevant but they're not particularly good to be drawing when you're only drawing gas Shuffle back with a remembrance you still have two or three sigils in your deck you draw them with other remembrances and blues things like that they're so awkward so taking this

opportunity just to cash it in now for basically free um instead of doing something like furnace and Ashley where I want to be I'm um I'm pretty good on ash right now and I'm doing it in a way that's efficient I'm presenting damage anyway this hand is like kind of okay but maybe initially a little bit awkward um but I could break nickria if Dan develops a board here especially if he commits this ezralay um we see him pitch it

might give us a little bit of Runway to to play out this break but it could be just super greedy guess it really punched by it so always play your dragons before you attack with them if you're going to attack face because you want to play around the pop-up there's no reason not to the information that you're gonna give your opponent just isn't worth potentially you know holding that information back but running into a popper so the Dan lead with my first I think I would leave with kylori personally there because if they're going to pop that I'd rather than pop caloria than am I because actually because I have the shield anyway so it's one car out of the way

um although this does clear the shield I guess if I don't block so maybe this is better maybe this is better actually it does probably go this one yeah that's pretty much a bit of play because now I don't have the the ash so I'm kind of in a bit of a spot here it's like I really and kind of feel like I'm ahead I'm 5 Ash versus one Ash and I know I want to clear these dragons so and I can do that with with the rake and the negria but I could crown here and cache something in so double block with a crown in the furnace hold him back off throwing that card you could use out of my equipment

and then try and find um something that isn't a rake basically and not have not have to play a rake uh in order to to double action here effectively to clear up his board like the priority for me has to be clearing his board and we know we know that the last card in hand is so um because we sort of the Rebel last turn so playing The Rake means we know we're gonna get ezrealized so I think basically the thing I'm thinking about here is like let's Crown plus furnace tuck this rake away and find honestly just just anything and

just a red would allow me to Nick here plus Mirage um and clear up his board and leave me with Moraga and nikri are two of the hardest to kill dragons effectively a five toughness dragon with necria and uh for toughness okay and I get a lot of Ash out as well and it just goes to my game plan so that's exactly what I end up doing trading my equipment here for a pretty good trade um and I'm looking at a line that's going to allow me to you know it's gonna pitch Two Reds so effectively go up one Ash when all things in that Korea and then also we

need to kill that knicker it's going to give me another back over to our turn again we just make this as well as much more Awkward for him we just know he's going to get value out of it now so you can sit on that as long as he wants but we know it's there so we don't have to factor it as like an attack action or a nicker or anything like that we just know that it's theirs will I so um yeah yep exactly that well about the Nick rear the ash neutral I would like to say so Ash neutral you know when you basically

spend an ash but you gain an ash back with the pitch neutral to first no reason not to get an ash off the trigger and then we'll play the Moraga to clean up the calorie and then pass over to Dan with a five card hand this also kind of forces his hand as well we know about that as well as now we can kind of be like why I chucked away that rake I've now got effectively nine this worth of dragons on the board we're gonna have to play that Ezra if he wants to clean up board here so I'm

gonna Force his hand uh but it's what's been and then also be up on ash the kind of scary thing is going without an Arsenal here like I really like to be able to hold an Arsenal with a clearer so I said before about yes rakes and as relaxed for sure because they're great answers to breaks but also just ways to clean up dragons so those four power attacks for great rushing minerals are cut I love to put an Arsenal same with Easter eggs it can clear up any dragon and pitching uh burn them all and yeah as I say not to goodness measure it can be great in spots and it

can do a lot of work but so hard to be able to actually play it but hence pretty good here um he's forces just clean up dragons on on our turn then uh that means that we get to play two cards to clean up the side of the board whether that's a minimal floss a gender eye or the inner eye plus a dust up and the Arsenal the metamorph or a clearer we can blow like we have so many options here and I doubt he's going to be able to actually present me anything relevant like even if you attack me with

like a dust up okay I just take it yeah against the Menace or damage but yeah this looks a bit awkward so as we said we have to probably use the full five cut hand just to clear these dragons here it literally had to use a swing blow and as will I feel just the maraging I'm writing me off that four toughness is so powerful and then throwing a metamorph and then you create a kill it it's just not Ash

back to our term yes there's another line play but Dan has three Ash we have seven ash and we have go here and we want to be so I mean I think I'm inclined just to damage here and then keep something good in my arm which like I want to have an Arsenal so I think keeping this um this minimal for myself a good place to be so I think at the sweeping blow or yinder I claim the end right here is not the worst because it's it's hard to kill um and effectively like gains his life because if they have to kill it but the

elephant sweeping blow does here is it was the there's right and developed Ash and then we can play the dust up forcing damage through gaining even more Ash Ling one thing to note with like the dust up is um often you don't want to create the ashwing unless it's going to be basically benefit you to the point where it's going to make it likely that their dragon's gonna stand the board because your opponent can't clean everything up nicely um but like for instance sometimes it's like you know I have two Ash rings and this is my third Ash ring like let's

just play straight into there as right there often just having the ash later is better we do exactly that we get the dust up we just make the air we make the issuing in this instance because we have nothing on board so incentivizing to point an attack and ashwing is going to save us some amount of Life some okay to trade and Ash basically like three life minimum sort of thing is to point like a swimming blow or a fry or a dragon edit for instance but now he comes straight actually a little bit of an awkward um rake for us here because we don't have the punish for it uh you know this

metamorph and Arsenal not great for punishing it the opponent comes in with three ashwings but even if I can't clear these this turn like he's committed an uh right to the board so as soon as I can deal with that as long as it's not you know two three turns down the track as long as it is only kind of two turns um good use of bonus there and to mash and win six damages us and then this becomes kind of the decision on like what's the next turn

gonna look like I wanna you know do I just take six here go to 29 and then develop a kyloria um and point of miraging Reagan because honestly like do that we just play it out you know nickry here the awkward thing is like we can't use our furnace for good value here because we have to play you know at one cost first and only one customer could play is eloria and then we couldn't play the knicker afterwards anyway so um or we could literally just push all three of these cards in your career take down a dragon he's left with two dragons

best wings in a full hand um we've just got so much Ash out actually would just be so massive that we could actually start to play a little bit inefficiently without Ash as the game goes and kind of just use Ashley to basically build even though we'll be down on life okay this is exactly what we do here just take the six um I think the viewers to the next career yes it's six damage but we're gonna end this term with a knicker on board and um and again four ash from this turn three from the pitch one playing the new

career so we're gonna be you know up to 13 Ash three with two dragons and we're gonna have a Nick around the boards about dragons are different and he doesn't have an Arsenal to kind of partial so that I've got a hand so um kind of feels a bit weird a bit there just take the damage there and Pitch basically use four cards like this looks on the server super inefficient to be like you just use four cards to to get a dragon on the board and kill an ashwing um but I think given the what options were present there none of the players were particularly good and it's a really hard to kill dragon on the table

and leverages our life pretty well and gives us such a mess actually and we knit three Ash on it and then you know we we're into it we've drawn to a hand that can kind of do it all you have access to as well to clean up as dragons killer the Snicker that he's just played um and this this is going to be a double hit this is gonna require a near career plus a dragon filling the sneaker so we're getting yet another two Ash so although we took six damage between

these our whole hand to gain five life is in Dennis to attack us with Dragons rather than attack us and gain it or five ashnit so really good spot to be and actually it feels a little bit weird to use that whole hand for that play so Dan just clears up with the dragons of Texas for damage goes down to 28 or 30 and we're back with our our five card hand now we know when he's killed the knicker of course and these ashwings so it feels like a good time to commit

um that's related to Lord really clean it up and then throw a metamorph at that necra and that kind of leaves us with a card so it's the option here and it wasn't worth blocking a card on ashwin's kitchen and once again Nash that's fine um but I guess the thought process thing I'm looking at here is like well but I actually just leave myself with no Arsenal and just get five damage that you strike here I think on the whole that's probably not where we're at in this game I want to

prioritize keeping a card National I think especially if that means we can you know put what's the best card to have an Arsenal I mean I want to play all my Nick areas as soon as possible and you need to build that Ash advance but the best card Tavern in Arsenal right now I've been as well like to deal with with his little rake but he's already played one I think our second one would put him in so um stuff up here with how I activate ezralay so as I cleans up the the two dragons there and Deals one

Arcane damage to him so always attack the dragon and point the Arcane at them so you don't get done and by the popper don't attack them for the extra big grief for the extra one damage um make sure you attack the dragon point one Arcane at the the dragon and point the one at their face uh cleaning up Nick right there so and then I don't end up pitching to furnace and I think this is kind of an interesting play I don't know if it's essentially correct we get immediately paid off for it um because we get to keep I end up keeping E Straight my thought is basically it's like a safe play I keep the Easter egg in place he plays a big dragon like a nickry or an ovia or a and

I keep as well in case he plays a rake so like I have the best of both worlds and I think he's gonna maybe he just kind of he's falling behind now he just kind of has to play a rate so I try and get an advantage so like my one Ash versus he's just having answers to play with giving up the one Ash so that's the that's the play I made uh and then they're super contextual these these mirror games um you know I think the obvious play would have been to just pitch again International net turn but right I have the answers to anything you could do with the sensor here and we could

obviously Pop um ashwings but rather just take the the life here may as well is going to clean them up anyway and then I can either point the CNC atom after uh playing that or better yet when he commits The Last Dragon to the board something like this I can immediately pop this uh there's no reason to just like end the turn just of your life especially when I'm still at you know around parody at 30 life-ish and have all this ash advantage make sure you can't get any advantage from the dragon like this okay one card one one Dragon which is a great spot to

be in burn the Wall's out now so like I said I can damage honestly doesn't really seem that relevant to me you often just have to play a bit them all out when it's free to do so and isn't going to hurt you now Dan could have kept a different card there for Arsenal potentially a bit of Petra Ash which might might be an argument who's at 4S right now but sometimes you just want to get the them all out just get the damage off of it like if you get it to five six counters like you get five six damage off of it it's a one card five or six damage my kind of view on it is you just play it when it's best to do so during the game not turn one turn two two three

you don't have enough cards and graveyard but just play it out kind of in the mid game you're just gonna get the damage off of it you might as well just play it out when it's best to do so when it makes the most sense for you almost free like you're giving up no opportunity cost to play it rather than a picture for later and use it for the in-game oh yeah I didn't get the damage off of it and especially if they're planning already play it because then there's time to pitch cards to it which I just can't afford to be doing and if they are they're probably gonna look so go ahead and play the Chrome eye out

um obviously because also CNC it kind of Narrows down my turn a little bit I have this cards [Music] um what I thought process yeah I think I probably end up e-striking to draw a card just being a little bit greedy which to be honest that's my play I should have done that first with the extra action point that I have because of the car am I hitting and pop it or anything rather than play ezrai first um just because it's just less information but it doesn't matter

to clean up the drains here as likings of the dragons and then we do go into this e-strike draw card you can drive the card which is obviously very good hit um well I'm happy to have that in arsenal um but I should just play the stroke first just beat a secret single position because now he's San Angelo I knows I'm

not doing anything else afterwards so chroma come down comes down for him plus another Dragon so now in a position where let's just do a bit of a a chicken on the game we're at 12 Ash with two dragons on the board we're at 27 life we actually have a little bit of Life lead um and we're graveyard space played a rake played in azerai we've played one as well at the stage I think um so you know we're kind of up on that count as well and yes there's a bit more a lot about that to be honest he's got furnace on two still which is is

relevant um but now we're seeing you know he's having to commit he's not able to build Ash stores on turns like this because he's a kind of like a chroma he actually put threats on the board now there's an argument maybe here for not playing the the chroma and just throwing the ravenous Rebel um at the chroma but it doesn't gain Ash and I think you know the thought from the ciders well now you have to deal with this um to be honest this is true you know like when you're a little behind sometimes you have to make plays like this but I like to just kind of focus on

those chromos for late game so when you build up this mess of Ash store you can just start to slap dragons so efficiently eight hours from now so we know when it's clear up there's two dragons now you see the power of the four often it's not been right here like we'd have to point two things at this but you know we've gone lucky we've got the kyleria but if we didn't have this kylori here we probably end up having two play the you know like the mmor centerpie to clean up within my um as opposed to playing an extra Dragon um which you know and now this way I get to

keep in a pie in my or yandere in my Arsenal or the next turn to then clean up what he's going to use to clean up so we just continue to hold this arsenal we keep Advantage we keep a card Advantage effectively we keep an answer or a threat as an advantage one card gotta keep playing into what they're doing and it just mitigates our risk of bricking and potentially getting them back into the game because we're in a spot here where we've got the athlete we've got the kind of like the tempo lead like we're wearing their dragons which if we have this extra card that

we're holding back we're a card up so yep deciding up keeping the internet I think my thought here is like just keep the threat and I have so many attacks to lift my deck um like so even if he plays a big dragon here like a necria to clear myself like first of all indirect is going to probably need an attack to kill it to kill you and dry and then um oh no I just end up playing both here okay I mean one gets popped so that'd be like a little bit greedy like so there's

this thing of do you play the dragon or do you hold the dragon back so that you have an answer to basically what they're gonna do but I think the reason for keeping or playing the end right basically is that um it's so hard to kill like I wouldn't play a zero cross Dragon inferences because it doesn't require resources next turn whereas the unit requires the resources that I have available to student and it's hard to kill I probably wouldn't play a calorie there either actually maybe I would like to keep my hand Arsenal possible because yeah like your hands like this are super awkward where we can

only do one thing really bad so if we had the union Arsenal here this term would be way better so it might have been a bit of a greedy play often keeping the dragon back and keeping an Arsenal is just much better there's another rate committed oh third Third Reich now yeah so really hit on the rake slash as will icon at race um but yeah this is awkward I mean this rake is good here like in theory like I mean it is pretty good

here it's kind of the hardest thing for us to deal with um we're gonna get lift with yeah dragons cleared up but obviously we get left with under eye um I'll count on it now but three health so I know I need to kill dragons here otherwise it's just kind of free for him to to clear up the end also do whatever it needs to next turn but like really awkward I think it's hot to be in um

so I mean it's tough here the best players probably just pitched the red and a blue and a blue at an ashwing it feels bad right like throwing these big attacks but you honestly like just controlling dragons the most important thing especially when you have a lead like I'm not an obsession of damage like I'm gonna win this game through the ash Advantage I have and the kind of the tempo and dragon environment I've had so let's just take care of one of these ashwings I think probably by pitching a blue and a red and then hustling which

would be a desktop because I'll just keep seeing seeing the deck as a Opera in it great light game yep so pitching the CNC and the cinepie playing out the chimera in the upper Dragon um which honestly does feel weird right but you're gonna eat awkward hands like then then that's what you've got to do sometimes and we could keep that dust up as an answer and Arsenal the happy kid that you enjoying hand we could have a much better turn that we could play the yinder eye indary both Universe gonna kill two dragons then we could have pointed the last three of the dragon and still had an Arsenal card so um yeah kind of shows the power of

keeping back dragons rather than just playing them out it was good to develop the ball but often it's not the correct Play It's All About rip management there was a good play here it's hard to kill the dragon a couple damage but when we go over to our turn we're looking at uh graveyard to say yeah we see the three rakes we see as will I see one necria and then to us so we can clear up everything here which is a great tool to

be in we can start probably on the end of the chain to kill that demo that's clean so it's just about this is a great time to develop an over here because man's to be killed we have such a great athlete let's just park this rake in Arsenal I think there's a debate between parking the ubia and the reiken Arsenal at the end of this because we're gonna use the dust up and Arsenal to kill him I um actually I think maybe the because he's going to prioritize killing it over here actually maybe keeping that you might have been better um like I think my thought is

I think my thought was maybe I could play this rake out if I if I just needed um to present damage but here's the rake for me to counter my rake with so I actually think uvira is better so it's probably just one thing I would do definitely do that ovia rather than the right but you know in the time when I'm playing the game not going through initially all of these sort of processes dust up kills out am I again well uh there's something we take I'm gonna take the ashwingness would be fine because we know there's no rakes left in as related easily clear up

these Ashwin so we're probably going to be left with an ash Wing um so yandere developed for him in barrier the spoonball has already gone for damaging though so like I say just get it out get it and play deal the damage that you want to treat it like you know a zero four or zero for six usually in that range you should the first one you know it takes care of a dragon so exactly so we made that dragon off the the dust up there it was a great call great time to make the dragon

because it's very likely we're gonna get left with it and now we just have extra damage or actually in fact we have Ash ring you can just ping off this Android counter so sometimes it's correct to make the actual dust up sometimes it's actually rather sometimes to hold the ash but now we get to we get to developers board and present threats without even having to play rake which is restful to be in and I can I either just burn them all pretty much free as well nice so back to us yep we're gonna we're gonna now get out burn them all again just going to get value out of the

animal we're gonna try and get probably five six how do you damage out of this um and it's basically free to play at this turn and do this a little bit differently if I kept it and I could probably develop the rake and keep another card mask but I don't think that's what damage we're gonna hear and we're just going to keep it right so we have this Ashwin to take care of that and onion right so we don't we don't need those ashwings um and it's just a bit of a liabilities as well in that deck we need to play no need to get greedy how you lose this um when the Mirror by playing tight and and

not getting greedy basically same on your head say when you find in your heads you don't play Greedy so you don't you're putting back in and when you're behind you play super tight and not greedy so that you can just out fund them into them back into the game let's just play a little bit Divine I'll admit that so in this instance I decided to develop the chromite to basically allow us to point the seven rushing North damage at the opponent's face um I don't love committing chromos to

the board because it's so easy to kill but this allows us to point seven damage and now life is becoming relevant like we're now at that point where actually we're gonna start to use our damage to basically cause them to not be able to keep four to five cut hands and have to block and when they get to block they're having to block that's when we can start to develop dragons even more and making it harder for well then to clear because either they have to take all this damage off things like minimal to clear or they just have to block out and then it's harder to clear off less cards in hand they're one car block

of the opponent developing a morago here it's going to take care of chromite CMB something that's hard to kill I think we're bus stop in hand which can take care of that Moraga depends what else they're going to do that Value Point off that burn them all you card we just love zero fours we love zero for fives issue in their block three and a starters and then Dust up to take care of a dragon making Ashwin would be a mistake here from this side although it would

eat up life and maybe maybe because of the um the life total they're on an opting to make the ash ring I think it's really close to be honest I think making the ash might be correct because the Lifest are pretty close and kind of keep up with Ash I'd be able to get this game back to being pretty close in game state where it can kind of you could start to play zero cross dragons late or just up or the rates you're gonna put back in with

The Awkward start to this game has definitely meant that damage has been pointed out and damage has been taken sometimes both players get pretty good starts and you're just there clearing dragons and no one's really being damaged pointed to them because the dragon's the priority there's some awkward hands for I would say both sides but mostly my opponent uh especially in those first three turns I mean the damage actually got through oh got the Trap card we've got talentai definitely won't be playing that here although I'm sure I'm considering is there a way to get into play

um but this is probably a time I'm going to develop a rake I think um then we can initially ask on another rake even if he has ezralay then develop the next rake and the only answer to that is the last Ezra but yeah it looks like I'm gonna do that but I'm I'm gonna not keep the right I'm Gonna Keep the dust up I think enough okay I think I'm just going for the the least greedy play possible here which is basically

clear up the board and then just pitch to furnace which is the least greedy page which I said before is the way to win the game right be is you know keep the greed to a minimum um it was actually if we played The Rake here been also Mirage so we'd have to just dust up and that's not particularly good so this Line's much better get rid of that card we know once more time I don't need it I need it questions like greedy played by

very likely I'm going to rake on the next I decide to block here that's blocking here I mean this is going to kill Mirage that's the great thing as well once you start to develop the board and this these four toughness dragons means they have to point the color at you I love three here mine like it's obviously great against Icelander and Kano it's also fantastic in this matchup because it's so hard to kill the calorie cleanup the wrong guy there

we can blow because you're looking at my last Dash Wing throw him some ash but this is the great thing with all these ashwings on board just taking three damage away from it's basically gaining us through life that ashuring that we made uh you know a few turns ago the dust up and it took a uni account off so basically got us a card plus three life huge I think we get to develop two dragons here but the sexual term where Ray could

make a lot of sense just from a reasonable standpoint you can picture red to rake and then we could um just pitch the remembrance play am I and keep either a thin my chroma and Arsenal um or you could play everything on board a bit greedy to be honest it might be the way and I'll lose the game we met all our dragons to what we commit throw my FMI in a rake but if he then has like as rely um movie and dust up for instance pretty bad for us he clears the whole

board he gets to lift Within the chroma on board sorry an Azure layer rather and if we draw a dud hand that's actually just at least back in the game immediately back in the game um I actually don't remember what I do here but definitely tanking out for a while I assume I'm Gonna Leave I shouldn't want to play rake off the kyleria leave a dragon back off the remembrance pack for three and one pressure on the board and still keep this chroma is a response Dragon to

clean up whatever he does on it mitigating again playing tight mitigating risk all right so dragons clean up the color here swing [Music] rate Count versus him and I haven't even remembered it so it's fine and this is the second rumors I've seen so I'm still going to see the third one I can just make sure I play the third one out or not okay I don't know about this play actually

now I see it in hindsight I think this remembrance I guess my thought is because you're so low in life here I have three really good targets I can get back um rake is relay is rely um well no it would be rake as well and probably Nick rear I think I have probably as well it just means my three density on my drawer is so high um because I've got the three array the three azraeli nickry is a great play um I I just wonder if it's a little bit

greedy maybe I think maybe even the Chrome I might have been better because I've only seen there's only second remembrance I've seen trying to think back now on the first term which we pitched yeah I it's only so we would draw the third one that would Shuffle the deck afterwards I would make sure we don't you know we don't have already um just getting damaged he's probably pretty good so okay we do sorry we do have two as well so it's pretty clean pick up I mean

three density High as like just Rhymes Our Deck back with more eyes in there so that if he remembers rakes with answers but also there's so much Ash and just starts to play out zero cost that thing and deal more Arcane damage I don't like not having chromite um we get pretty rewarded we get hand has both rake ezralay and a ravenous Rebel kind of has everything you need to do anything they might present but you know if I've drawn double blue

a multi and odd great I should double Bluetooth sounds exciting it's not particularly exciting and they might have two or three dragons on the board but this demo you can see how hard to kill the stema is actually means that the way I look at it so as well as four damage effectively two plus two Arcane pings the Morocco's two so that's he's got six damage we have seven toughness on the board with the three dragons in the Therma so that fourth toughness on Therma is meaning

that a dragon's gonna stay behind we're gonna get to keep an answering on this turn it puts the two Arcane at two ashwings and Moraga and Angela's physical at them I and it has an arsenal card or is gonna yeah because he would have pointed the damage busted off yeah we're gonna get left with an ash ring which is gonna help us clean up his four toughness dragon okay so Rebel here point this at the Moraga because if we had a blue here that means

that we can still play rake and Azure and clean up the whole board but if we hit the red here which ravenous Rebel real ravenous Rebel obviously my ravenous Rebels only hit ravenous Rebels uh means we only have to commit the rake here and then keep it as line Arsenal but if we hit a blue that we'd have to commit the whole board so just play the rebel first point it at the at the thimai um see what we oh my gosh sorry see what we get out of it and then hopefully we keep cutting that's not which exactly what we do

which is fine um but we have an Angelina Arsenal venomous just taking away getting value with slowing standard Chip Away life now and we're getting to point one damage here so we're gonna end up with four dragons on the table okay this basically this has to be an ezralay otherwise we're so far ahead and because of remembrance to keep our three out of July 3 break in the deck um even if he responds with an edge we still have two more rakes to draw we still have as well and Arsenal we still have kind of all the tempo um after that like we might take a bit

of damage because as I would clear out three back over to them just keeping those fundamentals right no reason to play that dragon out there yes it represents essentially three extra damage but that's not relevant like we're gonna we're gonna win this game um without that that's what we need for this game like we're so far here we just need to control and not be greedy having the answer in arsenal um them starting to developer what is exactly what we want this we kind of want to do the rest of the game now to replace all

wow like such an awkward hand for them here I assume they've probably got a Sigil but item off just has to come in and um I mean there's an argument you just point to that opponent and then yeah which which is what's being done here like you just have to point the opponent you help add warmongers in this matchup um point of the opponent and hopefully draw an Azure line next turn to clean up the The Rake butt and you're gonna take full damage from this not having put race back into there

because it's pretty relevant so I just go ahead and block for three you see that rumors come out so that's gonna be good because that now for our opponent means they can put rake slash as well as back in the deck to deal um as well it's definitely about the first Target but also rakes to deal with what's going on but I had a dead card there I can just Nick rear plus playlist reference Rebel will continue to present damage keep an edge playing Arsenal so off remembrance uh they got back as July rate and that's why so as lesson rank

residual getting that three life back start the turn we play out our redness Rebel just presenting damage never missing never missing I asked when you just have the six blues you really don't need them in this the blues are there to play your neck areas no other reasons match up like I say Tom fire is such a trap but forcing them into an

awkward spot where they have to end up blocking with this metamorph just to preserve life we get to play necrae which now sorry Dominion rather and yeah well a couple times if they have a popper here that's that's great for them if they pop into ezralay like that is good but then we still have a Nick rear to deal with and then we slow The Edge right now so right here back with everything they take four from the dragons there um and then I do think about this new career for a split second because they've just taken four if they had the popper just to get with the knicker and

took more damage for it I'm all down for that like I'd have to have the popper for the next career that's the ezralay in a good position and the take on the damage to do it and then they're gonna have all cut hand is playing as well on the way back and they still have to deal with the other the last ashwing great spots being so yeah I mean he does have the popper but that's fine like the card taken from there that's the caddy boxes so three card hand all the while animal continue to pick them up and deal damage and um our eight life leader I have Ash lead plus we have

passing back with our card mask the passing back uh they have UVA on ezralay so that's fine although that is something that's going to help you know at least stabilize the board a little bit and it's gonna cross the kill um so we're gonna be missing our whole hand here with I mean we could kill it with just a raking Edge fly um and clear up the dragon that they make as well into this last card is a dragon as well if this is something like a a mirage guy a lawyer or something

indirect indirect amazing but if it's not then you don't even have to play both Ezreal out any good targets for remembrance here so I think that's just what I'm wondering honest do we are the remembrance fish the sigil or do we play the decision honestly I think that's fine I think just probably getting the sigil out it's not great remembrance targets and if for some reason we do come back to seeing that remember Earth cycle um I guess in you know we've made the

bit of play by getting the sigil out now into this Ohio thread something I don't think it's gonna happen yep so we need to use effectively ads plus the pitch here they're out board the first two ashwings come in that we had previously left over that couldn't be cleared and then now we used to develop the rake fill the ovia and still point to damage at them as well so it's your spot

listen they really need to have that as well chipping away so doing the playing their remembrance here by looks of it in the middle line rather than the sigil honestly I think either's fine you could play the social there and just remember so you could pitch some play the sigil but you know we like are going a little bit lower on ash here and so to keep the ash kind of levels higher I think between the readers terrible just means that you know just again kind of closing down the angles on how they could get the ash

Advantage back and potentially get back into the game and we've just played a rake so that's at least one Target and we can just get like metamorphic damage a dick but identify by the remembrance probably the two rakes and Chrome has a reasonable pick as well but you know one way they keep reckons the game is Ash so probably a bit off just getting the damn card yep so we get back the metamorph that's not that ezralay back to them

so we're gonna get one more turnout to burn them all as well so you can get six damage out of it because we did blank on one and attack damage from our zero cost is good oh no ezralay I mean this is a little bit unlucky I think not seeing as well in any of these three turns instead having just commit a bunch of zero cross dragons here but using dragons to their Ash finally they flip an azralay office Robbins Rivals I know that's coming and reference travel cleans up another ashwing I've now have to but honestly this Azure

isn't going to matter now because we've just got so much damage here so um yeah we're going to clean up the dragons present a little bit of damage lose the bend the walls turn boom probably keep we need to deal with seven effective damage here a six sorry we have three ashwings and a yandere we don't have to put the chroma here oh sorry don't play that as well which kid there's related right

because oh no putting putting Chrome out of face [Music] um I also play the end right face so we developed the chroma in the under eye we could have just attacked the chromat first actually probably didn't need to actually build the end right at the same time or information we need the action point I think it doesn't matter we're gonna get the action point by clearing a dragon there's no option if the opponent's interact anyway so take care of the Mirage guy with a chromata dragon two dragons

and clean up the chroma and we can just free to attack with you there actually I think you know what I think a bit of play here actually be to yinderai the chroma just not open this other to a proper on the internet because it is super hard to kill and with ezrael the Ezra has to kill the dragons we get lit with the indirect a couple of dragons sorry what I decide I think I should attack the inner at the

crime we'd lose one life like we'd deal one less damage but it just means that even if they're the popper like we're just in a much better position as always architectural I don't know if I checked the graveyard to see I think they slept once I was pissed and then shuffled all right so the furnace block comes out here just to prevent damage um we're left with sigil free Ash up so I think either pitching is to furnace or just playing it either is fine okay so here's me clearing just the uh burn the more trigger so we do actually get one more bundle so it's gonna do

seven damage but also very powerful cost and honestly if that had the narrowing gloves here like they could not be affording to such resources to that that would be more damage taken from the ax or they will be clearing back yep that's what it comes down which we obviously knew about from the revenues Rebel and clean up um with the chromite and then two ashwings so as well on the board four cards for them as well like it's super scary and that's why you just play super tight even when you're so far ahead because you know

yeah a rake here like if we'd just played it at Ezra at some point like super punished for this they have rake they have Ezra light they have another dragon on the board for instance we have nothing that could clear everything here and then we draw a dead hand like we could just they could be immediately back in the game so playing tight I'll get ingredients exactly how you just kind of close these games out I just I'm glad we kind of I've kind of seen this game to illustrate that I'm making this place but an answering is going to come into the end right here clean that up and then see if they in point damage at us Plus

have another to kill off the under eye they're playing this popper here a little bit but I think at this point definitely I think we're talking about obviously opportunity on I'm Skippers this game with the awkward opening hand this is usually like pitching decision there I might have played the schedule because you know an agile plus a burn them all puts you to one here makes it pretty tough so I think I'm gonna play that schedule obviously you know not having Ash is pretty bad but

maybe they just have to maybe just have to make the ash there far behind on it I've been sitting on the says for Life sitting up for so long that's finally gonna add a new exactly what we needed to here and then basically mean that they're the whole board they thought like you know they kind of need to pop it here so ezralay comes in I put the Arcane at him because we just presumably thought I have enough of the Dragons I don't need

to um when the extra I can damage the X-Wing and then it pitches in there which is fine has the other the pitch but that's resources and I'm going to be honest I'm guess what to be in and then we can develop the rake and I actually think we can just pitch furnace move here probably just have a bunch of threads on board that I had to kill and be presenting uh lethal damage here Olivia should clean up this last ashwing and then point

three damage with them and then we have blue via Three Dragons as will I so we're gonna be left with Dragons after know where they can clean it up so even if we kind of have a bit of a movie I should have cleaned up that last dragon just about the popper but um you always Point your best dragons out there dragons and ashwings at them if you can to make sure you're not playing poppers and just putting in the damage here

they're not blocking the sink Below on one Ash swing taking the other two we're almost gonna come in there just point a furnace but the furnace in front of it in there at one oh they've got a schedule okay that makes sense digital comes out puts them back to four oh now they have two cars in hand and we have indurai uvir as will I go to Ash and Ashwin

back up to this one I'll stop and basically the the game is basically let's see that's not coming and player bus let's say papa here would be uh that can buy them another turn can always be scary especially this part

of the game like this is why you want to keep seeing season the dick I think rather than to always play them or walk with them early even for late for good usually kind of Swing the game backing off over I'd be a little bit far apart now this definitely turns with the pop would have been super super good okay so basically long story straw uh for the scene of this game they don't have the popper we get to run through with lethal damage forcing out the cards in their hand going through

and to the point of the last game last last part of the game where we didn't have this um we just have the same we'll send it bye for lethal yep lethal do they have it there's lethal right that's going to do it for this first in this master class series here in Arsenal past looking at the Drone this one one of my favorite matchups and class constructed right now and I think you got to a lot of the fundamentals that we talked about in that game you know the idea of really controlling the

board State getting a hit on ash dealing with Dragons keeping an Arsenal card you know that's relevant to the board either as a threat or a clearer a way to deal with their best dragons the power of necria and that match up remember since the game didn't come down to remembrance but that really came down to kind of how the early turns played out and damage getting exchanged but there are other games where all your damage that could be pointed at their face to all the attack actions has to go at the dragons to clear and your opponent is doing vice versa you know play one Dragon plan attack action they play one Dragon playing Attack action and go back and forth this way so um yeah rumorance can definitely be

super relevant especially in grandia match-ups um maybe a little less relevant I guess against the more attack actions come into it so yeah that'll do it love to hear some feedback on on this series is it something you want to see more of more in-depth match-up analysis and kind of tips and tricks on how to play different matchups maybe more for drama could be for other Decks that you want to see as well so drop us in the comments below let us know what matchups you'd like to see us cover especially if the Decks that we uh you know experts or if I say experts but pseudo you know sticks that we play at least um can give some guidance and Direction

on and otherwise if you aren't already subscribe to the channel um drop us a like on the video and appreciate until next video [Music] foreign