everyone Repose here and I'm back with another live commentary this time off stream and I just want to show you guys how to level really fast on a rogue because uh tomorrow or when I upload this it might be today is the wipe the first wipe of the game everyone's character levels are gonna reset all the items will be reset and everything and I just want to show you guys how to level up really fast because Road without perks is pure pain
yeah so first things first we're just gonna kill every enemy we see and break every pot we see for experience okay A little bit of lag okay I'll rip rape here which is pretty good but I'm actually not gonna use it because that almost just seems scripted at this point and it's not realistic of what a normal run would look like so it's not gonna take the Rapier but it
would be really nice to have definitely speed things up a little bit especially when we do go down to Hell because for the most amount of rxp you definitely want to take the red portals foreign a little bit of a blunder took a hit there all good though should be chilling for my only perk says another one I took double jump and yeah double jump is just
too nice not to have you could take uh poison Watson but double jump is pretty nice for helping cheese mobs and how and Escape players just in general okay the servers are looking a little bit laggy right now but that's okay and I stuck with the rupture just because I'm gonna be using likely the default Rondo the whole time
so sculpture is decent normally I almost always take Wii point these days it's just too good not tough okay another ape interesting interesting the doves might be watching or something I'm not sure I mean if you get a Rapier you're definitely using it I'm just not using it because you're not gonna find one
every run and I want this video to be accurate to what a normal game would look like I'm gonna get some gloves when I get the gloves I drop the chest piece and as you can see I'm negative seven percent physical damage reduction which obviously it's not good to be in the Nugget of about seven percent of the map bud hey Archer I do kind of want to kill the Mage because it's decent XP I think
at least I'm assuming I don't know the actual exact XP values for everything but literally the Mage skeletons get more XP than archers and whatnot I'm gonna grab the skull because it doesn't sell for much at all I get some boots keep the call for now just because those boots don't give me that much armor rating so I don't want to get one tab by a ranger
okay blue health potion nice foreign pretty good thought yeah there is some uh interesting log going on right now the servers hopefully that doesn't end up getting us
killed here okay light foot boost that's really good grab that where am I out right now two percent I think I'll drop it take the extra move speed whoa maybe this isn't the best time to film
this uh seems to be some server issues oh I heard someone maybe okay finally we take those guys down a couple jumps
just want to open every trust we can kill every enemy we can for maximum max speed and people are asking me in my other video why I'm not using the Rond all over the castle on on the default Castle on has two more base damage also it has bonus damage on the third hit which you can actually see on the menu there and honestly the reason is the rondelle
range is just way nicer in a lot of situations um like against melee skeletons a lot of the times you won't get the third hit off on the cast alone because by time you're going for the third hit the the skeleton attack is already coming down um it's kind of preference but I prefer the Rondo most of the time obviously if you like the cast on go for it I mean ideally I would find some kind of
stiletto but actually the Rondo is better for a lot of enemies when we get down the hill foreign boots okay and there's been some action in this Lobby it's already like what seven people done this is good the more people that die the less chance we meet someone in the house because that's like a the worst
case scenario I prefer to just take the red portal know and be down there with me I just kill all the mobs I see and I'm chilling for maximum knock speed that's usually the best outcome I would say and yeah as I was saying um
you get level five if you're purely going for XP you definitely can take uh poison weapon it helps with clearing mobs a lot might hear someone take the potion off the belt this guy not sure if you saw me we got some caped people running around here which is always scary when you have nothing
I'm not really too sure what's going on here I got a couple stabs yeah I don't think there's any chance I kill them I'm gonna get out of there it was about the shot he was drinking a position so it could have been really low maybe but not with that weak point versus plate armor very unlikely though I can kill that dude
looks like this stuff's already looted take these pallets they made it so politics actually give you an experience when you break them now which is pretty nice sorry about the lag this not optimal but we're rolling with it for now there's a lot of lights turned off in here which okay on a mimic
dog these impossibility there's a rogue sneaking around here strollers I'll take those
they're portals to my North so I'll keep it in mind um probably could kill the race it's gonna take me a while but it's good experience I'm quite certain just move them around this pillar
s hopefully you don't want to get hurt it's going to hurt a lot foreign just remember like not to agreed for damage you just play it slow don't try to like squeeze
in that extra Auto attack at the last second just get the guaranteed hits and then uh back up and pretty much any mod can be killed without taking damage if you do that and you kind of have an idea of what you're doing because I remember when I started the game The Wraith scared the absolute a lot I mean I'll just look at them and run in fear but now even in High Roller the uh the elite race they used to be just pre-farmed even
with a gray dagger okay keep looting here some dud mobs a little bit odd okay I saw that was a fighter with the cape in general teams oh I saw team take red so that is not
optimal kind of throws a wrench into my plans here not gonna lie but we'll see if we can make it work anyway some Reds right here I'm gonna go out and steal one of these and we'll see what happens now normally in hell if I'm solo it's pretty easy even
without heels I should be good but I got two teams on here this might get a little bit crazy see if we can make enough we'll see if we can make it out here but nothing is certain
hey everyone oh hopefully we get a good Zone okay that zone is really bad
you see these dogs let's give them a little poke and just kind of straight around them when they're charging you already want to be moving to the side like that take them down easily that works even with the uh the nightmare dogs you just have to move a little bit quicker and greet a little bit less for damage first those ones okay green Rondell I will take that sticking with the Rondo theme
the range is the same it just will be helping me kill enemies a little bit faster this isn't too crazy I didn't want to take the rapiers because it kind of changes the gameplay but uh everything I'm gonna do you can do with the gray Rondo it'll just be faster with the green one okay so next things this Berserker I usually do is I just come up here onto the box when you open it up you get a little bit
more Hyatt on the top of it and you guys won't actually swing you can just easily kill them come on just like that um uh oh there he is body kind of went flying there a little
bit all good though okay so I want to move it in the zone as fast as possible and this one there are other people down here which is a bit scary you might even try the boss I'm gonna open this up and take a peek here and yep there they are they probably saw me so I'm just gonna try to get another down here more centralized rather hopefully this isn't a mimic that'd be
really bad you can actually chuck if you come up to it on the side you can like look inside of it I don't think I have enough space uh in this area the yeah I can't see hopefully it's not a mimic very good foreign foreign
it's fine it's just not ideal if they were to open the door and see that it's pretty obvious I'm close oh wait a dog dude all right
this in the Box looks like nothing a lot of nothing a slide over here there is a Berserker that kind of roams the area that I don't really want to add around here
okay I heard the door open I'm gonna go ahead and open all these doors so if they try to chase me they're gonna pull all of the mobs and the good news is now that I'm perfectly centralized in the zone so if any portal spawn I have a good chance of them being right on me and I should be able to get out at least since there's other people I'm not gonna get as much xp as I could have but
a few mobs and this would be a good amount so you can look in and I can see it's a normal just doesn't have mimic innards and it's not really too important to check for that but if you're low and you want to open a trust the [ __ ] is done but if you're low and you want to open the chest you don't want to risk it you can look inside and see if it's a
mimic or not as long as you have space to go to the side of it um okay at this point uh Team just killed the boss and I'm kind of praying I can get a portal and teams coming through this is not optimal for me I'll be gonna die
I'd feel better if I had tons of because maybe I could sneak around a little bit more but you know just hard and no will my heart's not even gonna last that long so I'm gonna need a portal to spawn in front of me as soon as possible and just pray
yeah this is pretty bad there's a skeleton right there that I want to grow
we're gonna spawn here I'm just gonna run for it and well luckily looks like I might just make it out of here alive get a little greedy here for a bit more treasure what's going on with this dude help them
okay and that's looking like a wrap for the Run maybe I can get a little bit more XP I'll just pull this guy in here so I can come and loot them and if they push me I'll just grab the portal
only worry is if the ranger Peaks me could just one shot had shot me would not be good obviously looks like I'm chilling though I don't really know where these people are out grab that keep it off the hot bar in general no matter what class you're
playing you should always just keep the uh consumables that give off light off the hall bar because you never know when you're gonna be in a spot where you might need to lay off the darkness it might seem annoying and like not worth it at first but if you have empty inventory space you might as well use it some of the main things that I used to not do in the past looks like someone just died so I guess there's another team fighting so I should be good to get even more greedy here looks like
up this chest open okay and actually I'm gonna go ahead and open these portals because you do get a little bit of XP just for opening portals as far as I'm aware and that one
maybe even open this chest oh I was trying to scare the guy I don't really want to get one tub so I'm gonna go ahead and leave
and yeah as usual we got the full geared Squad roaming around in normals that is normal could run decent so I got level three off one run not too bad but it easily could have been level four or five if I wasn't down in hell with two other squads um yep basically level four off that one run which isn't bad and you run a few of those and before you know it you'll be level 15 with all
your perks equipped and the nice thing is along the way we got a bunch of treasure you make sure I'm selling everything get rid of that sell the lantern I was hanging on to and yeah the quick 300 gold run not bad at all I could go ahead and even come over to the goblin merchant do a little gambling boom two strength nice Rondell get that too
green one okay wait we're on a roll here get some more okay and there it is another Gamble but yeah that's my uh my guide to leveling up pretty fast as a rogue you can do it Solo or with the team and my recommendation if you want to speed it up is once you get level five just throw on poison weapon and you'll kill stuff even faster and yeah hope this helps you guys on wipe day and thanks for watching peace