Front Door Premium with VM and Private Link service - Code Samples


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Deploy To Azure
This template deploys a Front Door Standard/Premium with a virtual machine web server origin. Front Door uses a private endpoint, configured with Private Link service, to access the web application.

Sample overview and deployed resources

This sample template creates a virtual machine (VM), Private Link service, and a Front Door profile, and uses a private endpoint to access the VM-hosted web app.

The following resources are deployed as part of the solution:



Front Door Standard/Premium

The following diagram illustrates the components of this sample.

Architecture diagram showing traffic flowing through to the VM via Private Link service.

Deployment steps

You can click the "deploy to Azure" button at the beginning of this document or follow the instructions for command line deployment using the scripts in the root of this repo.



Once you have deployed the Azure Resource Manager template, you need to approve the private endpoint connection. This step is necessary because the private endpoint created by Front Door is deployed into a Microsoft-owned Azure subscription, and cross-subscription private endpoint connections require explicit approval. To approve the private endpoint:

  1. Open the Azure portal and navigate to the Private Link service deployed as part of this sample.
  2. Click the Private endpoint connections tab.
  3. Select the private endpoint that is awaiting approval, and click the Approve button. This can take a couple of minutes to complete.

After approving the private endpoint, wait a few minutes before you attempt to access your Front Door endpoint to allow time for Front Door to propagate the settings throughout its network.

You can then access the application through the Front Door endpoint. The application's hostname is emitted as an output from the deployment - the output is named frontDoorEndpointHostName. You should see the default IIS welcome page. If you see an error page, wait a few minutes and try again.

You cannot access the VM directly because it is not exposed to the internet.


Tags: Microsoft.Resources/deployments, Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks, Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions, CustomScriptExtension, Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces, Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines, Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices, Microsoft.Cdn/profiles, Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints, Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/originGroups, Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/originGroups/origins, Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints/routes