Azure Private Link Pricing


Private access to services hosted on the Azure platform, keeping your data on the Microsoft network

With Azure Private Link, Azure customers can render and consume services privately on Azure Platform. Services can be Azure PaaS services such as Storage, SQL and so on, Marketplace Service (Service Provider rendering his service on Azure Platform) or Customer’s own service. For more information, please refer to the documentation.

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Prices are estimates only and are not intended as actual price quotes. Actual pricing may vary depending on the type of agreement entered with Microsoft, date of purchase, and the currency exchange rate. Prices are calculated based on US dollars and converted using Thomson Reuters benchmark rates refreshed on the first day of each calendar month. Sign in to the Azure pricing calculator to see pricing based on your current programme/offer with Microsoft. Contact an Azure sales specialist for more information on pricing or to request a price quote. For more information on Azure pricing see frequently asked questions.

* Data processed charges will be based on the direction of traffic. e.g. if you are writing to a Storage account through Private Endpoint you will pay for Outbound Data Processed. Similarly, if you are reading from a Storage account through Private Endpoint you will pay for Inbound Data Processed.

** Please note that above price is premium for Azure Private Link. Data Transfer pricing still applies to data transfer.