alz-terraform-acceleratordocswiki[User-Guide] at main · Azurealz-terraform-accelerator


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Phase 1 of the accelerator is to setup your pre-requisites. Follow the steps below to do that.

You'll need to install the following tools before getting started.

[!NOTE] In all cases, ensure that the tools are available from a PowerShell core (pwsh) terminal. You may need to add them to your environment path if they are not.

We recommend setting up 3 subscriptions for Azure landing zones. These are management, identity and networking. You can read more about this in the Landing Zone docs.

To create the subscriptions you will need access to a billing agreement. The following links detail the permissions required for each type of agreement:

Once you have the access required, create three subscriptions following your desired naming convention with the following purposes:

Take note of the subscription id of each subscription as we'll need them later.

You need an Azure User or Service Principal with the following permissions to run the bootstrap:

For simplicity we recommend using a User account since this is a one off proceess that you are unlikely to repeat.

It is likely that if you were able to create the subscriptions you already have the level of access required for a user account, however you should follow these steps to validate them.

If your preference is to run the bootstrap in the context of a Service Principal, follow these steps to create one:

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal and sign in to your tenant.
  2. Search for Azure Active Directory and open it.
  3. Copy the Tenant ID field and save it somewhere safe, making a note it is the ARM_TENANT_ID.
  4. Click App registrations in the left navigation.
  5. Click + New registration.
  6. Choose a name (SPN) that you will remember and make a note of it, we recommend using sp-alz-boostrap.
  7. Type the chosen name into the Name field.
  8. Leave the other settings as default and click Register.
  9. Wait for it to be created.
  10. Copy the Application (client) ID field and save it somewhere safe, making a note it is the ARM_CLIENT_ID.
  11. Click Certificates & secrets in the left navigation.
  12. Ensure the Client secrets tab is selected and click + New client secret.
  13. Enter ALZ Bootstrap in the Description field.
  14. Change the Expires field, choose Custom.
  15. Set the Start field to todays date.
  16. Set the End field to tomorrows date.
  17. Click Add.
  18. Copy the Value field save it somewhere safe, making a note that it is the ARM_CLIENT_SECRET.
  1. The service principal name (SPN) is the username of the User account or the name of the app registration you c reated.
  2. Search for Subscriptions and click to navigate to the subscription view.
  3. For each of the subscriptions you created in the previous step:
    1. Navigate to the subscription.
    2. Click Access control (IAM) in the left navigation.
    3. Click + Add and choose Add role assignment.
    4. Choose the Priviledged administrator roles tab.
    5. Click Owner to highlight the row and then click Next.
    6. Leave the User, group or service principal option checked.
    7. Click + Select Members and search for your SPN in the search box on the right.
    8. Click on your User to highlight it and then click Select.
    9. Click Review + assign, then click Review + assign again when the warning appears.
    10. Wait for the role to be assinged and move onto the next subscription.
  4. Search for Management Groups and click to navigate to the management groups view.
  5. Click the Tenant Root Group management group (Note, it is possible someone changed the name of your root management group, select the one at the very top of the hierarchy if that is the case)
  6. Click Access control (IAM) in the left navigation.
  7. Click + Add and choose Add role assignment.
  8. Remain on the Job function roles tab.
  9. Search for Management Group Contributor and click the row to highlight that role.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Leave the User, group or service principal option checked.
  12. Click + Select Members and search for your SPN in the search box on the right.
  13. Click on your User to highlight it and then click Select.
  14. Click Review + assign, then click Review + assign again when the warning appears.
  15. Wait for the role to be assinged and you are done with this part.

Follow these steps to login as a User or user Service Princiapl credentials:

  1. Open a new PowerShell Core (pwsh) terminal.
  2. Run az login.
  3. You'll be redirected to a browser to login, perform MFA, etc.
  4. Find the subscription id of the management subscription you made a note of earlier.
  5. Type az account set --subscription "<subscription id of your management subscription>" and hit enter.
  6. Type az account show and verify that you are connected to the management subscription.
  1. Open a new PowerShell Core (pwsh) terminal.
  2. Find the ARM_TENANT_ID you made a note of earlier.
  3. Type $env:ARM_TENANT_ID="<tenant id>" and hit enter.
  4. Find the ARM_CLIENT_ID you made a note of earlier.
  5. Type $env:ARM_CLIENT_ID="<client id>" and hit enter.
  6. Find the ARM_CLIENT_SECRET you made a note of earlier.
  7. Type $env:ARM_CLIENT_SECRET="<client id>" and hit enter.
  8. Find the subscription id of the manangement subscription you made a note of earlier.
  9. Type $env:ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID="<subscription id>" and hit enter.

[!NOTE] If you close your PowerShell prompt prior to running the bootstrap, you need to re-enter these environment variables.

You'll need to decide whether you are using GitHub or Azure DevOps and follow the instructions below to generate a PAT:

  1. Navigate to and sign in to your organization.
  2. Ensure you navigate to the organization you want to deploy to.
  3. Click the User settings icon in the top right and select Personal access tokens.
  4. Click + New Token.
  5. Enter Azure Landing Zone Terraform Accelerator in the Name field.
  6. Alter the Expiration drop down and select Custom defined.
  7. Choose tommorrows date in the date picker.
  8. Click the Show all scopes link at the bottom.
  9. Check the following scopes:
    1. Agent Pools: Read & manage
    2. Build: Read & execute
    3. Code: Full
    4. Environment: Read & manage
    5. Graph: Read & manage
    6. Pipeline Resources: Use & manage
    7. Project and Team: Read, write & manage
    8. Service Connections: Read, write & manage
    9. Variable Groups: Read, create & manage
  10. Click Create.
  11. Copy the token and save it somewhere safe.
  12. Click Close.
  1. Navigate to
  2. Click on your user icon in the top right and select Settings.
  3. Scroll down and click on Developer Settings in the left navigation.
  4. Click Personal access tokens in the left navigation and select Tokens (classic).
  5. Click Generate new token at the top and select Generate new token (classic).
  6. Enter Azure Landing Zone Terraform Accelerator in the Note field.
  7. Alter the Expiration drop down and select Custom.
  8. Choose tommorrows date in the date picker.
  9. Check the following scopes:
    1. repo
    2. workflow
    3. admin:org: write:org
    4. user: read:user
    5. user: user:email
    6. delete_repo
  10. Click Generate token.
  11. Copy the token and save it somewhere safe.
  12. If your organization uses single sign on, then click the Configure SSO link next to your new PAT.
  13. Select your organization and click Authorize, then follow the prompts to allow SSO.