Connect Geographically Dispersed Networks With ExpressRoute Global Reach - Training


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You can connect to Microsoft in one of the peering locations and access regions within the geopolitical region.
For example, if you connect to Microsoft in Amsterdam through ExpressRoute, you will have access to all Microsoft cloud services hosted in Northern and Western Europe. ([View Highlight] (

You can enable ExpressRoute Premium to extend connectivity across geopolitical boundaries. For example, if you connect to Microsoft in Amsterdam through ExpressRoute, you will have access to all Microsoft cloud services hosted in all regions across the world. You can also access services deployed in South America or Australia the same way you access North and West Europe regions. National clouds are excluded. ([View Highlight] (

You can enable ExpressRoute Global Reach to exchange data across your on-premises sites by connecting your ExpressRoute circuits. For example, if you have a private data center in California connected to an ExpressRoute circuit in Silicon Valley and another private data center in Texas connected to an ExpressRoute circuit in Dallas. With ExpressRoute Global Reach, you can connect your private data centers together through these two ExpressRoute circuits. Your cross-data-center traffic will traverse through Microsoft's network. ([View Highlight] (