Bringing Enterprise-Level Security and Even More Power to GitHub-hosted Runners


Author: Tanmayee Kamath


GitHub has introduced Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners, enhancing enterprise security and power. This allows for secure access to private resources and enables network security policies for GitHub-hosted runners. Additionally, new runner SKUs, including GPU runners, are now available to support various use cases like machine learning and game development.

Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

Today, we unveil the next chapter by generalizing Azure private networking, ensuring all runner tiers, starting from our 2-vCPU runners, now support auto-scaling, static IPs and private networking capabilities. ([View Highlight] (

We are excited to announce that Azure private networking for GitHub-hosted runners is now generally available. This feature allows you to run your actions workflows on GitHub-hosted runners that are connected to your Azure virtual network, without compromising on security or performance. ([View Highlight] (

With Azure private networking, you can easily create GitHub-hosted runners that are provisioned within your Azure virtual network and subnet of choice. Thereafter, your actions workflows can securely access Azure services like storage accounts, databases, and on-premises data sources, such as an artifactory through existing, pre-configured connections like VPN gateways and ExpressRoutes. ([View Highlight] (

Any existing or new networking policies, such as Network Security Group (NSG) or firewall rules, will automatically apply to GitHub-hosted runners ([View Highlight] (

Azure private networking is now supported with the GitHub Team plan, in addition to the GitHub Enterprise Cloud plan ([View Highlight] (