An Introduction to Azure Verified Modules


Author: Customer Architecture & Engineering


Azure Verified Modules (AVM) is a project that aims to address the challenges faced by organizations when deploying resources through the portal and using infrastructure as code. AVM provides a unified strategy for infrastructure as code at Microsoft, bringing together the best of both worlds from the terraform and bicep projects. AVM offers resource modules and pattern modules, making it easier for developers and platform engineers to deploy resources and achieve their goals. The modules are supported by Microsoft and have standardized interfaces for common Azure resources, ensuring familiarity and ease of use. Customers can find more information about AVM on the AVM website, including support statements, specifications, and module indices. They can also propose new modules and contribute to the project through GitHub.

Highlights Added July 17, 2024 at 11:02 AM

omething that we're actually doing aside of the aure landing zones ter for module v- next that if you've been following that story uh and we're very close to getting something out you'll notice that actually those uh modules for things like the Hub networking virtual W management those sort of uh group of resources that are technically platform Landing zones you know the things underneath the platform management groups um they are all patent modules inside of AVM that is their
direction we have moved them into this project because this is the future that we believe that Central Library of assets of resource modules all those atomic units that we can stitch together and then give everybody that value of all of those common interfaces and all of the greatness that mats just spoken around so it can fit in both ([View Highlight] (